Mitchell & King Treat


Cost:  £13.60 / 500ml

Note: Again another product I have purchased with my own hard earned money and this is totally independent unbiased review.

Date of Review:  12th April 2020

The Sales Pitch from Mitchell & King:

Car Plastic Dressing, OEM, Non Gloss Finish

  • 250ml/500ml/1Litre
  • Anti UV
  • Non Smear
  • Matte Finish
  • Wipe on, Wipe Off

Our car plastic dressing leaves a finish which is exactly the same as Audi, BMW etc have when they leave the factory. No Gloss ! 

A car plastic dressing which is crafted with the luxury and investment owner in mind. Treat features quality UV inhibitors which reduce fading and cracking while allowing the plastic to remain flexible. Specifically designed to compliment the needs of plastic.

The connoisseurs who have chosen to use Treat have found their car plastics are easier to clean and are less susceptible to fading in the harsh sun. Application frequency depends wholly on your climate, if you are in a climate which has longer daylight hours with the addition of strong sun we always recommend more frequent applications. Treat has been tested within the Mediterranean for many months and our APPROVED DETAILERS are more than satisfied with the long term benefits.

As you can see we take car care seriously, this is why we are trusted by some of the most honorable names within the automotive industry. Begin your wonderful and luxurious journey with Mitchell and King today, click above to purchase TREAT, we will then begin your very own bespoke blend.


What You Get:

The 500ml bottle is pleasant to hold and came supplied with a good quality spray trigger with adjustable mist. A watery like liquid that has a faint fragrance certainly not overpowering.

Product Description:

Many products are designed to give a nice gloss or shine, but this is the first spray that I have seen to give a matt finish to surface. Spray on and wipe off principles.


The area to be treated should be clean and cool to the touch.


Rather than a mist on the area and wipe down, this product is applied to the a area via an applicator pad or clean microfiber cloth.

Spritz or two onto the pad and wipe over the surface. The area I was treating was the Infotainment screen in the middle of the dashboard. This sort of area I usually shine up to look it’s best. The trouble is that it will dazzle in bright sunlight and make it difficult to see the screen.

Hear you can just about make out the factory gloss as I wiped over the liquid.

A small amount goes a long way, after the cloth was damp, a single light spritz was all that was needed to make another application.


With the product wiped over it’s clear to see the difference of the matt finish. It’s not even a sheen or eggshell, it’s matt.

After application a simple buff with the clean part of the cloth. You are not trying too remove the product, just buff away the excess.

If you feel that you want to apply another coat to make it even duller then you can, but i suspect once something is matt, it’s matt. After a single application I found the results enough for what I wanted.

I was so please with the result of the screen that I also applied it to the other annoying glare, the dash area dust protection Perspex.


I took the car out in bright sunlight and there was glare. The screen was easy to read and was resistant to finger prints. I suspect that after a couple of applications this will become even more resistant.

Both the screen and dash are both now a pleasure to look at without having to squint at what you are trying to look at. Rather than apply a sheen to the dashboard itself I will use this to make it matt without any glare.

The added bonus is that the product is also UV protectant and will then also stop dash top fade and prevent cracking.


9 out of 10

I am trying to think of a good reason(s) to drop marks for this product. The only reason this is not a full marks score is I am not sure of the longevity or resilience on such a heavily used area.

Ease of use – 10

Finish – 10


A product that does the opposite to everything I have used in the passed, it takes the shine away. Sort of counter intuitive if you like. The amount of product I used was miniscule and it will last a long time. I’m thinking of bringing it into the house to apply to our LED tv screen to stop glare which sits near a window.

I will revisit this page after a while with the update on the results from the sun, elements and finger prints.

If you are sceptical of the product, order a sample bottle and you will be back for more.

Would I recommend it? Yes, without a doubt.

Would I buy it again? Yes. But I won’t need to for a long time yet.


To be updated!

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