VHT Satin Black Caliper Paint


VHT Satin Black Caliper Spray

Cost: £8 – £20 Supplier: Frost


For those that have been following my blog will know that I am at the point of refitting my brakes after a major clear up. The drums were badly rusted on and needed some serious attention.  I have take pictures of the process for removal here, and the refitting here. Once the drums were treated with anti rust they went to a dark brown to a blackish colour. I wanted to make the drums look smart ans tidy. I looked around and thought I would give the VHT Caliper Paint a try out. After all it was designed for brake parts.

The Tin:

The tin is the usual 310ml rattle can as expected. The operating temperature is between 65 -95 degrees C.  The cap has a pain in the backside effort to get the lid off by inserting a screw driver into a slot n the lid and twist. You can get round this by giving it a good pull of, afer a few efforts it’s dead easy ro remove. What sets this can apart from the rest is the spray nozzle. This easy spray top is a pin that goes into the can top and a special design nozzle. I was extremely sceptical about it, until I tried it. I have a video of it in action here.


After shaking the can vigorously for the minimum recommended two minutes I started to spray. The nozzle was a dream ans is the best nozzle I have ever used on a rattle can, its called “EZ Touch”. The pressure was light and constant into the conical jet as the hype would explain. After every one minute of use they advise ten seconds shake. No real surprises here for regular can users.


After the spraying there was no running even after a little heavy at one end of the spray. The paint layer was very smooth and dried to a nice satin finish pretty quickly. a single coat was enough to make the coverage complete. I did notice that in the very flat and smooth surface the paint had a tiny craze markings through it. This can only be seen when in the light but it’s there. Perhaps a second coat would cure it, but I have not tried that. THe slightly more uneven surfaces were coated very well and there is no crazing. Maybe the cold might of had something to do with it. The surface will not be seen as it’s behind the wheel. The brake calipers if you are going to spray them should be fine as the sides of my drums were a great finish. The backing plate that I sprayed had no evidence of the craze. The paint layer stood up to the fingernail test of trying to pick of the paint within the craze.

Rating: 8 out 10


Would I buy it again? Yes, I think thinner layers perhaps and two coats would cure the craze issue, it does appear that the paint is heat sensitive so I would pay particular attention to that.  The EZ Touch nozzle is truly epic and I loved it, nice and light and gave a great spray coverage, maybe a little to thick, but it was a constant spray no matter how many times I used it. When spraying that is an important consideration. This nozzle style is the way to go for rattle cans that’s for sure, I’m not sure if this is more expensive but the results are superb. I am quite sure the paint will stay on as it has to cure or be baked on. How it fares once some heat has been generated through it I can’t say at this point. But, it does look good and for £10 or so its a good buy. How you would detail the calipers could be a bit tricky as I didn’t have that problem with a full ten inch drum.

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