Special Thanks


A very special thanks to Adam at Mustang Maniac

Adam and the guys expertise is unmatched elsewhere in the trade. I have been shown, taught and learnt so much. The fact I have my car with the guys I know it couldn’t be in better or safer hands. Adam’s readily available supply of parts and knowledge to go with them are invaluable. His collection of cars is just incredible and if you speak to him nicely you may also get the recommended guided tour!  Thanks for your continued support Adam.

For their blog page click here

For their WebShop page click here

Special thanks to Will from Park Garage.

1 Station Road, Bury St Edmunds, IP30 9HD 

Tel. 01359 242479

Thanks for helping me out on the great day that the Mustang fired for the first time in 12 years. Your knowledge, help and custom making of my parts, the repairs to my original broken equipment are all very much appreciated. Fancy some more beers, I think I may need you again!

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One thought on “Special Thanks

  1. The pleasure was all mine, its been great fun to work on the beast, proper old fashioned mechanicals!! Let me know when you need me at any point .

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