Back On The Road


Now that the weather in the UK has changed from pretty dismal to a sunny week or so. It was time to get the Mustang out and get it all ship-shape and road legal. Since November last year my car has sat in the garage just waiting for a nice day out. The car’s MOT had run out at the beginning of December, which means that until my car passes an MOT I can’t get any road tax to allow it back on the road, all be it that the road tax is free as it’s classed as a historical vehicle.

Earlier last week I arranged with Adam at Mustang Maniac to get my MOT booked in on Saturday (just gone). Friday evening the car was given a check up, to make sure fluid levels were where they should be and that I had no leaks. There shouldn’t be as I check my car every other week at least.

Saturday morning had arrived and it was starting to get sunny as I backed the car out the garage. It was a strange feeling being on the left hand side and it took a few minutes to get used to it again. The drive was great going to the Mustang Maniac yard, dual carriageway and some country roads to enjoy. The worst part was the pot holes or should I say craters in the road that had not been fixed. I spent most of my time totally focused on tarmac, when there was some rather than the traffic. I arrived at the yard after a ninety minute drive and sat in the office chatting to Adam for a while. I “borrowed” this pic from The Mustang Maniac blog Park & Pic section.

I was given verbal instructions on how to get to the MOT centre along with my faithful Sat-Nav. I was given some banter by Yogi warning me that the “Test centre closes at three, best you get a move on”. So off I went to the test centre fifteen minutes away, I parked up and waited for the guys to take my little lady into the testing bay.

What seemed like hours later (but it wasn’t), the tester came out with a clean sheet MOT pass. It’s such a relief to know that all was OK and safe with the car. Walking out to my car there was a couple of admirers looking at her and asked me a few questions about how long it took to restore and where was it done etc. I noticed a tiny drip from the water thermostat housing that needed a little tweak with a spanner to reseal again when I got back to the Mustang Maniac yard.

Now I can look forward to the dozen or so car shows I have in mind this year. My journey home was not so nice due to nutters on the road that got me nervous, so much so that I intended to make a little fun post shortly about it. Anyway I got home safely and parked the car up ready for a clean on Sunday. The car was dusty from the dry weather so I decided to get the Snow Foam on the car for the first bubble bath of the year.

Of course a rinse, snow foam, wash, rinse and dry is not enough, so I needed to give her a little wax top up to keep her shiny. Oh and polish the chrome wheels, and the glass, and the chrome trim etc.  I must say that she didn’t look any different after the wash to be honest, but at least I know she is clean again.

I’m ready and waiting to get to the car shows now.

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19 thoughts on “Back On The Road

  1. Beautiful vehicle! I’m sure she’ll do very well at all the car shows.

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    1. One man and his Mustang – UK – I'm just a man with a Classic 1966 Ford Mustang Coupe and an ever increasing collection of car detailing products to keep it clean. I bought the car as a non rolling project in 2011 which had been neglected, set fire to, rusted and abused. As a result of all that the car needed a bare metal strip down, a nut and bolt restoration. Four and a half years later the car was completed, on the road and shown at the UK's premier Classic Car Show, everything that was done to my car is documented here. I now have the privilege to drive one of America's most recognised cars and a true Icon, the Ford Mustang.
      One man and his Mustang says:

      Thank you, I enjoy the shows and the friends/regulars you see at the shows. It’s nice CE to hang around with like minded people and just talk cars, tools and more cars all day. 😂

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  2. Hi Mart, nice post. It’s a great feeling when you take the old car out for the first time in the nice weather, isn’t it? Regards, Richard

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    1. One man and his Mustang – UK – I'm just a man with a Classic 1966 Ford Mustang Coupe and an ever increasing collection of car detailing products to keep it clean. I bought the car as a non rolling project in 2011 which had been neglected, set fire to, rusted and abused. As a result of all that the car needed a bare metal strip down, a nut and bolt restoration. Four and a half years later the car was completed, on the road and shown at the UK's premier Classic Car Show, everything that was done to my car is documented here. I now have the privilege to drive one of America's most recognised cars and a true Icon, the Ford Mustang.
      One man and his Mustang says:

      Hi Richard, thanks for the kind words, driving for the first time again is a very special feeling thats for sure. I had a silly grin on my face, and i know I’m a lucky guy to own one of these beautiful automotive works of art.

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  3. photobyjohnbo – Buckeye, AZ & Fargo, ND – John is a retired educator with interests in photography, aviation, technology, hiking and traveling.
    photobyjohnbo says:

    A beautiful example of a classic! Enjoy going to those summer shows!

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    1. One man and his Mustang – UK – I'm just a man with a Classic 1966 Ford Mustang Coupe and an ever increasing collection of car detailing products to keep it clean. I bought the car as a non rolling project in 2011 which had been neglected, set fire to, rusted and abused. As a result of all that the car needed a bare metal strip down, a nut and bolt restoration. Four and a half years later the car was completed, on the road and shown at the UK's premier Classic Car Show, everything that was done to my car is documented here. I now have the privilege to drive one of America's most recognised cars and a true Icon, the Ford Mustang.
      One man and his Mustang says:

      Thank you, cant wait for show season to start. 👍

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  4. Hi Mart,
    You should have been very excited to drive your blue beauty out after such a long winter season. I wish you a very nice season at shows and on the road again.
    Kind regards,
    Pascal (the Swiss guy)

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    1. One man and his Mustang – UK – I'm just a man with a Classic 1966 Ford Mustang Coupe and an ever increasing collection of car detailing products to keep it clean. I bought the car as a non rolling project in 2011 which had been neglected, set fire to, rusted and abused. As a result of all that the car needed a bare metal strip down, a nut and bolt restoration. Four and a half years later the car was completed, on the road and shown at the UK's premier Classic Car Show, everything that was done to my car is documented here. I now have the privilege to drive one of America's most recognised cars and a true Icon, the Ford Mustang.
      One man and his Mustang says:

      Hi Pascal, thanks for the kind words. Yes I was excited to say the least, my fuel app calculator tells me thst i was getting 12.7 miles to the gallon. So i guess i was little enthusiastic with the go/loud pedal. But it was fun. 😉

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  5. Mustang Maniac – A business dedicated to restoration of Classic Mustangs. We supply parts for all ages of Mustangs 1964 to present day, servicing, restoration and custom builds. Anything your Mustang needs, we can help.
    Mustang Maniac says:

    You mean to say that you let your car get wet?🤣👍

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    1. One man and his Mustang – UK – I'm just a man with a Classic 1966 Ford Mustang Coupe and an ever increasing collection of car detailing products to keep it clean. I bought the car as a non rolling project in 2011 which had been neglected, set fire to, rusted and abused. As a result of all that the car needed a bare metal strip down, a nut and bolt restoration. Four and a half years later the car was completed, on the road and shown at the UK's premier Classic Car Show, everything that was done to my car is documented here. I now have the privilege to drive one of America's most recognised cars and a true Icon, the Ford Mustang.
      One man and his Mustang says:

      😲🤣🤣 i did but i dried it properly. I measured it and it aint shrunk yet.

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  6. Tim Harlow – I own an investment advisory firm, TH Financial. My passions are the outdoors, photography (mainly landscapes and abstracts), and cars.
    Tim Harlow says:

    Looks like you are ready for the summer shows. Thanks for the great read.

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    1. One man and his Mustang – UK – I'm just a man with a Classic 1966 Ford Mustang Coupe and an ever increasing collection of car detailing products to keep it clean. I bought the car as a non rolling project in 2011 which had been neglected, set fire to, rusted and abused. As a result of all that the car needed a bare metal strip down, a nut and bolt restoration. Four and a half years later the car was completed, on the road and shown at the UK's premier Classic Car Show, everything that was done to my car is documented here. I now have the privilege to drive one of America's most recognised cars and a true Icon, the Ford Mustang.
      One man and his Mustang says:

      Thanks for reading my post Tim, i am all excited i must admit waiting for the shows.

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      1. Tim Harlow – I own an investment advisory firm, TH Financial. My passions are the outdoors, photography (mainly landscapes and abstracts), and cars.
        Tim Harlow says:

        Most definitely. It has been a long winter season here. Not much snow for us in Utah, but not nice enough for car shows. I too am ready for the summer season and seeing my old car show friends. Best of luck this year.

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        1. One man and his Mustang – UK – I'm just a man with a Classic 1966 Ford Mustang Coupe and an ever increasing collection of car detailing products to keep it clean. I bought the car as a non rolling project in 2011 which had been neglected, set fire to, rusted and abused. As a result of all that the car needed a bare metal strip down, a nut and bolt restoration. Four and a half years later the car was completed, on the road and shown at the UK's premier Classic Car Show, everything that was done to my car is documented here. I now have the privilege to drive one of America's most recognised cars and a true Icon, the Ford Mustang.
          One man and his Mustang says:

          You too Tim. 👍

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    1. One man and his Mustang – UK – I'm just a man with a Classic 1966 Ford Mustang Coupe and an ever increasing collection of car detailing products to keep it clean. I bought the car as a non rolling project in 2011 which had been neglected, set fire to, rusted and abused. As a result of all that the car needed a bare metal strip down, a nut and bolt restoration. Four and a half years later the car was completed, on the road and shown at the UK's premier Classic Car Show, everything that was done to my car is documented here. I now have the privilege to drive one of America's most recognised cars and a true Icon, the Ford Mustang.
      One man and his Mustang says:

      Thanks Nigel, i wss trying the positive energy vibes. Obviously failing miserably jyst like the weather. Glad i got down there when i did. As from late May i wouldn’t “need” an MOT but i still will every year.

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    1. One man and his Mustang – UK – I'm just a man with a Classic 1966 Ford Mustang Coupe and an ever increasing collection of car detailing products to keep it clean. I bought the car as a non rolling project in 2011 which had been neglected, set fire to, rusted and abused. As a result of all that the car needed a bare metal strip down, a nut and bolt restoration. Four and a half years later the car was completed, on the road and shown at the UK's premier Classic Car Show, everything that was done to my car is documented here. I now have the privilege to drive one of America's most recognised cars and a true Icon, the Ford Mustang.
      One man and his Mustang says:

      Thank Nick, hope to be about more, pop over and say hello if you see me parked up. 👍👍👍

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