She Moves!


Epic news from the garage.

Today was a great day. I pushed the car out of the garage and poured yet another gallon of premium unleaded into the tank. Turned her over for thirty seconds and let it settle. Turned the key again and she fired up. I let the car run for a few minutes with a little blip of the throttle now and again as you do. It was great to hear the sound again. The car has had the all the brakes done, the single master cylinder converted to a dual system and bled twice. I got in the car nervous, I put the foot on the brake, now it wasn’t as hard as it was. I Put the auto into “R” the revs dropped and I released the brake. She rolled backwards under her own power. Foot on the brake and not a lot until it was almost on the floor, but it stopped. I put the car in “D” and the revs dropped. I released the brake and she crept forward a few feet and sort of stopped going up the kerb onto the drive. A touch of the throttle and the rear wheels snapped into action and off we went. Ohh sh….t, I hit the brake and not a lot. I pressed hard and knocked into “N” I stopped. My heart was pounding and my heart was thrilled and my head was a little sad. I would like the brakes to have been a bit more, but, the brakes are new & not run it yet, rust on the faces of the brakes and the pedal probably needs adjusting a bit more. All these things will get better as time goes on and I guess I am expecting too much to start with. The car is just an animal to take of like that, I loved it! After I pulled up and got out with a smile I was pleased to see that the usual petrol heads had come round to see me while she was running. We had a catch up on the latest bits gone in and the next project to do.  A new neighbour who just moved in down the road followed the noise and came up to me to say hello, another petrol head likes the car. A quick hello to David – a pleasure to meet you and talk cars for a while. 🙂

Over the course of time I have told people about this blog and they say they will look it up. When I bump into them again the first thing they say is “What is that blog address again as I forgot it by the time I got home?” This prompted me to do something a little fun, I got some business cards made up with the details on of the blog, email, Facebook and Twitter. The people seem to like them and I have had a few more hits after I gave them out. What do you think?

business card

I am delighted with the day so far but I still can’t find that stupid brake flare adaptor! I was hoping it was going to drop out, but no that was too simple.

Today was a small drive for a  classic Mustang, but huge step for the project.

Error happened.
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