Antiques and the car


A new sideline hobby?

Thursday evening after work was a great evening but also a sad evening. A work colleague who I have worked with for just over a year and a half has moved onto pastures new within the company. As a team we have grown very close and formed some great friendships. I was sad to see him go but I wish him well in his new job. Craig has gone to our IT department, I reckon he will be doing password resets, although will be in denial. lol. During our evening with excessive amounts of alcohol we played a prank and filled his pockets up with thousands of hole punch centres. After a few beers they were being thrown around all over the place. Two days later we are still picking these little circles up, they are in the bedroom, the kitchen, the shed in fact you name it they are there. They are so annoying,  I just don’t know how they spread about so much. In fact it was like indoor snow at one point!

This weekend I have been collared into doing painting for the mother-in-laws bedroom for her. It’s quite a large bedroom and I started with ceiling, walls and the satin white on the woodwork. I hate painting with a vengeance,  it just does my head in. But at the same time I love the results of the finished room. I call it a little payback for getting the wife out late to pick me up after my little night out, and having to clean up the home-made confetti after I made such a lousy job of it. Brownie points were scored again as the room does look good, even if I do say so myself, which I do! What I do want to know is, why has Easter become the DIY weekend of the year, and who is responsible for starting the idea? I need to have words with him to stop these little brain storms, the result has seriouly damaged my precious Mustang time.

Saturday I was taken out for a lunch to a great farm where they do some great food, all local grown produce, and all the meat has previously been walking the grounds. The food was gorgeous and I had the best burger and home-made chips ever. On the way home I was taken to an antiques dealers, there are about three in one area under a roof near this farm estate. My new little hobby has been sparked by my recent post of Mustang ads. I am after some old metal garage signs to decorate my own little garage. I am not wanting to pay big bucks just the usual muscle car era stuff, Castrol Gtx, Michelin, Shell in fact pretty much anything automotive. The signs seem to be hard to come by, I don’t care if they are a little rusty as it will add to the character of the sign. Nostalgic look to go with the classic muscle car, am I being daft or should I forget the idea? I have no intention of spending all my money on the signs when I have so much stuff I need to do on my car, but if I see a nice little sign I will pick it up.

I will continue with my car work tomorrow, I expect I will finish of spraying some little bits and pieces and finish fitting the pipes to the brake booster. I have some pictures to follow soon. Hope you had a great Easter, and not gone to mental with the calories!

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