Back to work


The last thing at the end of a holiday…

After a week off from work I set the alarm on the sunday night and got into bed depressed. The main reason being that my nice week had come to an end and now  it was back to work. The turning on of the alarm ritual on Sunday night before you sleep is the signal that the holiday is over or the weekend has been and gone. Monday morning the alarm went of and it was like a sonic boom going through my head that honestly deserved the barrage of abuse that it got, not that it cared as it continued to bleep like it was doing me a favour. Then I hit the snooze, those few minutes never seemed to have happened, I ‘m sure a quantum leap in time stole those oh so precious minutes from me. It’s funny how that after the welcome back to work and the stories of what I had been up to had subsided, by the time mid afternoon arrived it was like I had never been away. I need another holiday.


I have been a busy boy over the last week, I have added photo’s in all the usual places in the menus at the top for; Drive Shaft removal and fitting or click here for the quick link. I have added Rear Brake Rebuild Part 1, click here for the quick link, and Part 2 click here for quick link. These have the step by step instructions that I took as well.


I have added the review of my Dremel 4000 tool that I have been meaning to get round to for a while now. But, it has now been added at long last. Click here for the quick link or go to the Tools Review menu.


I have asked the question about our ex Prime Minister between 1979 – 1990 is it Goodbye Maggie or Good Riddance Thatcher? Leave you answers on the forum via the link at the top, or click here for the quick link to leave an answer.

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