What a Drip!


Old classics don’t leak, they just scent their ground.

Today was the day that I needed to get a drip tray.  The reason is my little ol’ girl has decided that she wants to scent her new home. As the garage floor is unmarked I wanted to keep it that way as much as possible. So I bought a clever little drip/fluid change tray. The drip tray has a nice pouring spout, but the clever bit is the removable grill as I tend to call it. It’s perfect for engine oil changes as its big enough to hold a fair amount of oil, just about the size of a washing up bowl but squarer.

A quick question. How many times have you dropped the oil sump plug into the bowl followed by the washer? Answer: I think we al have at some point and have had to fish around for the bits in a bowl of grubby oil.

That’s where this tray comes into its own, it has a removable plastic grill that clips just in front of the pourer spout or on the opposite side for a shelf. Pour the oil out and the bits are caught in the grill. Simple but effective. Not quite a review but it’s a good product. No name on it anywhere but it was well under a £10.

What am I gonna do about the drip I hear you ask. Well I’m gonna tweak bolts and gradually tighten it up. The drip is actually from the Auto Transmission. Hopefully it won’t be a major job, but you never can tell.

Fingers crossed.

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