Short & Sweet


The last official car of the ‘Season’ if you can call it, for me was back at Stonham Barns. This was to be the American Car Show on the 27th September 2020. I woke up to a grey sky completely devoid of any colour at all, but no rain was forecast all day, well not on any apps anyway. The wife did tell me that it would rain, woman’s intuition I believe it’s called. I was having none of that and set off with high hopes.

I got there just after nine and there wasn’t a lot there, maybe fifty cars or so. I got told to park up with a two meter distance between the cars. No argument from me there.

There was a few ‘stalls’ setting up, but nothing great to be honest. When I walked around one guy told me that he had booked a pitch months ago, he wasn’t going to come on the day but thought why not? He wasn’t expecting to sell much due to the Covid restrictions and the weather.

Ah yes, the weather; it was now starting to spit that very fine mist almost rain. You know the stuff, it gets you damp and it made me miserable. Yet again this show was cursed with bad weather for the umpteenth year on the trot.

I watched a few more cars turn up and get parked up. If you were part of the ‘Knuckle Busters’ club you got to park in the main central ring area.

The rest were lined up outside.

The car that really took my eye was this little AMC, a little rough in some places, but well loved.

A few big toys were on show too.

Perhaps the car with most interesting history was this Jeep. Apparently it was documented that this was the first vehicle to arrive on the scene of the Rendlesham Forest ‘UFO’ sighting in 1980. For more details on the incident click here.

After just one and a half hours I was cold and damp so I left early to go home. So the last show of the year had less than eighty cars there when I left. When I got home I had to clean and dry the car in the garage. Shortly after I had a snooze on the sofa, which sort of summed the day up really.

Error happened.
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