Late night on the car


Today was a mental busy day, the sun was out the birds were singing and I was bashing and clanking in the garage. I have spent all day and few more hours into the evening doing my upgrade. I have taken out the old leaking master cylinder and replaced it with a new Dual Master cylinder. Yep, last week I went down to see Adam at Mustang Maniac and got myself a new set up. The parts took a little while to find amongst the organised chaos there of the massive delivery of stock. I was a little worried about the fact there was a single cylinder that does all the brakes. If the single cylinder leaks then I lose all braking, not good. So it was a no brainer really to get this in. OK, again it’s not concourse for the car I know all that, but it’s safe or will be once its done. I have taken lots of photo’s for the project and what had to be done, I will upload them and write them up this week sometime, watch this space. All I am saying is I needed more copper pipe, lots of it!

Why didn’t I do it yesterday? Simple, remember that rotten ol’ (OK, it’s new but I don’t like it because of the hassle it gives me), summer-house I was having fun with? Well I finished it off yesterday. It was a total nightmare to say the least. The glass was cracked when I opened the packets up and the latch had the bar missing inside to go to the inside handle. Just what I needed, NOT. I put the rest of the glass in that I could and panel pined the beading on. Now to me, hammers and glass don’t go well together and I was so carefull not to break any more glass, hardly ideal. Give me metal to sort out anytime!

But, next weekend is a Bank Holiday, that means I will be doing car stuff only, no sheds, no fences, no summer houses, no weeding, no patios, no nothing except my car. That is unless the better half decides I need to do a few jobs to make up for the money I spent on the brake cylinder. I admit it – I dare say one of the days will be me doing jobs for her. I may wear the trousers in this relationship – but she gets them out for me to wear! 🙂

I have attached a picture of the finished Master Cylinder as a little teaser.

dual MC

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