

Articles Idea

I was surfing the net looking for pictures and I stumbled across a web site that had some good articles and background information on a variety of cars.There was nice article on a 1965 Shelby GT350. I have added a new menu called Articles on the right hand bar. I have placed the article in there, or click here to read it.

I will keep an eye out for more good stuff and acknowledge its source, I’m not that bad a person to claim others work as my own. However it deserves to be read, if this gives them a couple more links then I hope they will be pleased.

The basic principle of this site is my journey with my Mustang, the good and not so good. If I come across good outstanding articles that take my eye I will share them with you. But I don’t intend on making this a library of articles, that has been done to death on other good sites. Enjoy the read and I expect there will be some more.  If you want me to add some specific pages to my site let me know via the “Contact me” on the home button. I always try to respond asap to all emails.

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