Redesign of website!


Blog improvements?

Before you panic and say “he’s broke it” I haven’t.

On the right hand side there were menus that were getting longer and they looked a little messy. I still had people ask me where the photo’s were!

So, I decided to split things up a little for the better, at the top under the header there are now, 7 buttons; Home, Forums and Discussions, Best Mustang Ever, Photos, Tool Reviews, Part Review & Consumable Reviews. If you click on them they take you to the places or the will drop down into menus and subsections. This means everything of importance is at the top now, so no excuse to not find anything. The book reviews I have still left on the right, there are now menus that tell you what is coming soon for each section.

I hope it now works better for you and more natural to look at. The site has got bigger than I expected a lot faster too. I have added a Tags section, click on the words and should show the posts that mention it, or just do a plain ol’ search.

Please let me know what you think, leave it or change it back – I hope not anyway 🙁


At the weekend I hope to do a little work with Bumper Stone Guard and see how it goes. I intended to take some photos for the review of the Dinitrol filler as well, two birds with one stone and all that! Still not decided on the final colour of the car and the interior colours, I have added forum here or go to all the forum sections and let me know what you think on a number of subjects. .

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New and improved poll!


I have on my other pages “Forums and Discussions” pictures of Mustangs throughout the decades. The page has had a bit of interest but not much in the way of comments so far. I was asked if I can add a poll instead of leaving a comment. Your wish is my command! The improved part? The poll now has pictures added to see what you are voting for. The fact that there are bigger versions above doesn’t matter because they are worth looking at again anyway. I have added those same pictures from the sister forum pages onto the Poll menu just to the right, or click here to vote.

Hope you like the pictures as well as voting for your favourite model Mustang. Who will be the most popular?

Vote and find out 🙂

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Massive update to the web page!


It’s stupid o’clock when I sort of finished most of the updates!

Whats the update?

Well, it’s a brand new forum and discussion link to a new sister page for the One man and his Mustang (.com) website.

The link called “Forums & Discussions” is now at the top of the side bar on the right. There is also a hyperlink to bring you straight back here again too.

I was asked a question in the comments page but I didn’t have an answer. That gave me an idea – Forum. Simple hey? err no!

(stick with me for the quick techy explanation).

The fact I am using a nice piece of software to host my blog it does not allow me to add “plug-ins”. To keep it simple I can’t create  any forums or discussion pages directly of this site for security reasons. But, I have researched all day (while out shopping), and most of the evening for an answer. I think I have found a work around. Basically I have now a sister site that links to my main site (this one), the sister site page style does allow for a more recognisable forum style update and discussions. The styles are a little different but I have tried to keep the associations as close as possible to one another.

The downside –

You as in the readers of this won’t be allowed to create the pages yourself. To get round that I have created a category of “Ask for your topics here” from a nice drop down. This will allow you to post a comment on there for things you want to see or discuss. Once it’s (as your requested topic) has started up then can post to your heart’s content on it. I plan on letting these pages run themselves with the odd chip in from me! I am allowed!

The upside –

I get to keep an eye on what gets posted, there are some people out there with strange ideas.

Updates to this site –

For a little bit of a fun I have added a countdown timer on the main site, see what you think. I may keep it there for other things, it all depends on the feed back I get!

Added a picture to the side bar of the good guys at American Autowire who have linked me on their Facebook page with that response.

Note to self – get used to calling my sites main site and forum site!

Note to self again – go to bed and re-read this before you post it!

Enough Techy Stuff – Cars

I was out all yesterday – shopping, so I missed out on some valuable Mustang minutes. I made up for it today with the second coat of POR15 on the inside of the fender. No point in pics at this moment in time (I have taken some though) as it don’t really look that much different. The man cave was freezin’! Michelin man was out again in force, but at least I was warm. As I was good boy yesterday, shoppin’.  Today I was allowed to go and get my Christmas Present; Front and Rear bumpers from a new friend of mine. They are gonna look the dogs dangly bits when I bolt them on. While I was there I was looking all around his K code 1965 fastback. Nice!

As a result of the missed Mustang minutes yesterday I will have to review the Carplan Tetroseal next weekend.

Take a look around at the new forum site, start a conversation or tell me what you want to see. Have a look at the post Old School or New School from the categories selection drop down box, it’s a comparison of most of the Mustang models over the years, whats the best looking?? Let me and the rest of the internet know your favorite!

Sorry for the late posting but I had few bugs to sort out and give the best user experience posdible.

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