The Engine Is Back In


During the week I was sent a teaser picture by the guys from Mustang Maniac. What was that picture? It was of my engine. Now there is nothing new about that, as I have posted (quite) a few of them myself, but this was a little different. The engine was sitting at the front of my car. The guys were happy that the engine was ready to go in. It was going to be a weekend for me as it was my first engine refit and I couldn’t wait.


On arrival the brake lines were finished and Yogi has excelled himself yet again. Now I love doing the brake lines, but I must admit, Yogi does them better than me. The brake reservoir was in, connected up to the three way splitter box and not the four way original and the pipe work to the disc brakes are now in place. It’s a different car already to look at. I would be happy with the drum brakes and they would work if it was only me on the road. However I am worried about other nutters on the road that do stupid things in front of me. I know I can stop the car where I want to when I want to, but I can’t cater for the excellent braking capability of modern cars, and in comparison my drums were not going to be able to stop me as fast in an emergency. I always drive with plenty of space between me and the car in front, but you just never know. My new disc conversion will give me that extra stopping power should I need it and safety peace of mind. The brake reservoir now has front and rear split for the brake lines. Should the pipes leak or fail on either the front or back, then I have would have the other independent half to stop me, at some point that is. The original brake booster set up was a single reservoir for all four corners of a drum brake distributed by a three way splitter, so if one corner brake cylinder leaks, then the whole lot gets dangerous. With a brute of an engine like the 289ci you need it to stop as well as get of the line. Drums are notorious for fade when they get hot, on England’s roads the inclines can be quite step, so constant braking down a long hill could cause issues. But in the USA everything is pretty much flat, apart from a few places like San Francisco of course, so it wasn’t so much of a problem then.

Mustang Maniac had ordered me in a particular disc conversion kit that I was after for my car, and it arrived at the end of last week. Yogi and Adam wasted no time in bolting the parts to the car.

The discs are vented and slotted along with four pot calipers for superior stopping power assisted by the new brake booster reinstalled last week.

Once the discs were in place the steering bar, steering ram, tie rod ends, idler arm etc. fittings were all bolted into place. The tie rods were just finger tight as the geometry has to be completed at some point before the road testing. Due to the full three inch opening of my powder coated headers, there needs to be an extended steering ram spacer fitted. I have covered this on a previous photo set, click here for the quick link or look up Steering Ram in the search.

With all the brakes fitted and piped up and the performance springs now in place, the outer shock tower covers could be fitted. This was pretty much the underside of the car completed apart from gearbox, prop and exhaust etc.

Engine Fitting:

The engine was attached to the crane and aligned up to the front of the car. John, Yogi, Chris and Me were all there ready and waiting to put the engine in. I was on crane duty listening to the instructions to lower, push forward or back etc. The guys were either side of the engine bay to guide the freshly refurbished engine in place and trying not damage the fresh paint work. There is a secret to getting the engine in with the hood still fitted and is a closely guarded. Shhh here is some of it! The engine is moved into the engine bay sideways just under the hood, then lowered a little, twist it quarter of a turn so it’s the correct position and lower down again. But I didn’t tell you that! Anyway, as I was on crane duty I still managed to grab a few pics of the process.

With the engine almost in place, the long mount bolts were slotted through to take the weight. I have a few pics here of the engine mounts after their refurbishment, not that you will ever see them, but I will know of course.

The nuts and bolts were finger tightened on and the crane disconnected from the engine. There she was all sitting pretty and ready to go. The tape was still in place over the carb inlet and the old rockers cover still there for now. We will test fire the engine and then replace the rockers with the ones I want a little later. The distributor cap is an old one and will be replaced so it’s only there to keep the insides of the distributor clean too.

With our hard work and with no damage what so ever, John decided to photo bomb a picture for me! 😀

Just to keep the silicon pipe work fresh and the engine clean the Mustang Maniac logo heater pipes were just pushed over the water fittings before the final trim ups as they are much to long at the moment.

So there you have it – a major milestone was completed, the engine was in, the heart of the car ready to start beating in the near future. The rear wheels are on the car and the fronts will be on as soon as the steering column gets fitted in place. Then the car will be ready to roll where ever it’s needed to go. I am so chuffed with the results of seeing the painted engine in the engine bay, the brake pipes, the steering and suspension, I can’t find the right words to express it, and that’s a true first for me!

I may be a bit biased here, but I think it looks great even with the old bits still on it. Thanks to the Mustang Maniac guys, yet again.

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The fitted sheet


Friday evenin’ and it started.

I of course refer to the snow, no I am not going to bang on about it again because I am to put it politely, getting a bit sick of it. Everytime I want to do something it snows. The snow has been falling all weekend, it settles then it melts, still snowing then it settles again. Global warming? I think it needs warming up round here, so I better go and start my v8 up with no exhaust and let it tick over for a while! Only joking, so I won’t dwell on the fact its cold, but my man cave looked like a log cabin at one point today with the snow all over it, and it did get worse than this. To prove it I have a little picture of it. I’m sure there are a lot of people worse of than me out there, I hope you are all safe and have had not issues with the “S”. Don’t forget to check on the vulnerable elders, even a pint of milk for a hot cup of tea can help.

Man cave in the snow

Saturday I sprayed the VHT brake caliper spray on the left side front drum which went well, I keept the can in the house overnight in the warm along with the drum itself. I only took it out to the man cave when it was ready for the spray. I pointed my new light at it to keep it warm during the drying phase. It worked a treat. After it was dried to touch, I took it to the garage and put it onto the spindle and packed it with grease. I will allow it to cure for a week before the wheel gets bolted back on. I have already done a review of the VHT Caliper paint under the Reviews – Consumables or click here for a quick link. I also went to fit the brake booster, it was going in OK, but as I was so cold the fingers were having issues holding things properly. I got a bit annoyed at this point and decided to take the hood off so I could get right into the corner. Oh boy, I forgot how heavy that hood was, trying to hold it in place with one hand and undo the nuts with the other was not an easy task. Thankfully nothing was damaged and it came of with a big sigh of relief and a lot of effort. I did remember to put some heavy towels onto the cowl under the hood corners so it would suddenly drop metal onto metal. The hood now sits against the wall ready to be treated, to top it all, hood is of course standing on a nice piece of foam. While the hood is off I took photo’s of the brake lines, (before I re-fitted the booster again), that I fabricated a while ago along with photo’s of the Brake Booster being fitted. After gaining access to the full engine bay the Booster actually went in fine, all was well with the world again. As there is no protection for the engine now from the hood, the dust from the garage could be an issue so I decided it needed covering. Did you know that the fitted sheet from a UK double bed is the same size as a 66 Mustang engine bay and fenders. Next time you play Trivial Pursuit you can maybe win on that bit of knowledge, OK, maybe not. I will be covering the treatment of the hood at a later date with pictures too when the weather gets better as it will need to be layed flat. To show you what I mean about the fitted sheet, here are the before and after pictures. Liking that? OK, Sorry then, but I thought it was a good idea!  🙂

The bits that are sticking up are the hood springs, they are gonna stay like that, due to the fact I want to keep my fingers and they are super strong springs and may have difficulty getting them up again. The scissor action on the metal is sharp and I never put my hands near them, ever! I managed to also remove and re-assemble the Hood catch, the pictures will be added to the photo section as soon as I get them done, they also came up very well. In the engine bay picture you will see the Brake booster in place and the reservoir all connected up. You can find the fitting in Brake Booster Part 3 in the Photo Menu – Engine Bay – Brake Booster Project or click here for a quick link. I have also added a review of the Autolite Group 24 Replica Battery now after a request for it and a few searches, you can find the review under the Reviews – Car Parts section, or click here for a quick link.

All in all I was quite pleased with the weekends work considering it was….. Ha, you thought I was going to say the “S” word, you know “snowing”. Dohhh!

Drive safely.

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Making up for lost time


The weekend took forever to get here and once it arrived it only paid me a fleeting visit.

The last two weekends have been busy with Mother’s Day and birthdays. On both occasions I was delighted to go shopping and not spend that special man & machine time that only petrol heads understand. Saturday started with the left hand front brake drum, it was de-rusted and had two coats of Rustcure applied. Next weekend it will get the VHT caliper spray applied. I also managed to do a few jobs in the garage. The main one was to cable clip the solar power charger cable to the wall. This was going fine until I got to the front of the car. Now the car just fits in the garage and I have to squeeze around the front to get the other side. This is a carefully controlled operation as the front of the car is on axle stands and there is no protection around the hood catch. I mention this as the hood catch is around the same height as my man equivalent of, two sockets and a ratchet. On squeezing past the open hood in the middle part, there is a sharp corner that caught the standard issue jogging bottoms and ripped a little hole. I was waiting for the pain and the feeling of blood. Carefully I checked all was in place and making sure there was no damaged areas that the cold was masking. Now from a distance it may have looked strange a man rubbing his socket set in front of an open hooded car. I know that 289ci engine is pretty good, but I don’t think I would go that far! After the near miss I decided that the hood catch would also be coming off too. I got the proper tools and it was off.

Sunday was strip down of the hood catch and treat it. The photo set can be found under the Photo menu, Bodywork, hood catch or click here. All was ok apart from a few rusted bolts that needed a little persuasion to come out. There was no horrendous rust on there and it just looked worse than it was, in fact it was quite solid. I had set the alarm to come inside and watch the first race of the season Formula 1 in Australia. I put my headphones on so I didn’t disturb the wife. It was a good race and pretty even with an unexpected winner which makes a nice change. After the race had finished I picked up the blog on my Tablet PC, I edited some photos and created a page(s) for them. I have also uploaded my review of my Halfords Advanced Pro 120 Socket Set under Tool Reviews or click here.

Why was I able to do all of this? Saturday the wife went shopping and came home to do some work and online banking. Today she has been at my PC all day doing various things, and marking books. As she has been busy all day and I have kept out of her way. Let it be said that although teachers have long holidays, they spend most of their time planning, organising and marking. I have hardly seen her this weekend. For me that’s a sad thing, as we haven’t even managed to curl up and watch a film like we love to do at the weekends. For me it’s been a strange bitter-sweet day, lots done on the car, but I really haven’t seen my wife. Throughout the weekend she will usually pop out to see what I am up to at least a couple of times a day. I feel sad for her as she hasn’t seemed to of had a break.

back of nood catch
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Mother’s Day and Shoes


Unexpected day out.

Yesterday I was expecting to go out to the man cave to do some brake work and complete the rebuild of the brake drums. I was greeted with the usual smile and the devastating news everyman dreads, “We need to go shopping”. A shiver ran down my spine and deep down I knew it was going to be a bad day. After breakfast we got our coats and set off for the town, and there it was, traffic queuing for car parks. To top it all off it now started to rain. We eventually parked up and I was told we need to go to… The list was like an army itinerary to move base camp! I trundled along doing the dutiful husband thing. We got into Marks & Spencer and it seemed the whole world was in there having the same thoughts as we were. I noticed other men being told off and carrying baskets just like me, I smiled as I hadn’t been told off. There were men looking at flowers and one bloke in particular moaning about the price of the flowers, I assumed he was being a tight with the money. When I saw the prices I started moaning about the price of the flowers as well, open wallet surgery was not what I had in mind for Mother’s Day. A mutual conversation was struck up with a fellow husband who was in the dog house with his wife. We discussed the rip off state of the so-called “Days”. Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentines, Christmas, Easter they are all so commercial now it’s as if the card manufacturers create the “Days” to make extra money. I expect there will be a “Cut the grass day”, you will be expected to by a new lawn mower, deck chair, patio heater, BBQ and drinks chiller, all these things are essential as it’s what expected for this new day. Once upon a time it was a little card and flowers, now it’s chocolates, flowers, cakes, gifts, clothes and all sorts of other stuff, it never used to be like this. Is it just me or am I in a bad mood and it seems worse than it really is? I eventually caught up with the wife and she was looking at shoes, then I was in the no win situation no man has ever got right; “What do you think of these?” holding up a pair of shoes. Now I could answer that with “Yeah they are nice” or “Nope, I don’t like them”, Either answer would normally be greeted with “your just saying that” or “why what’s wrong with them?” Stupidly without thinking and being in my default car repair mode to keep me sane, I responded with, “They’re not as nice s my brake shoes I could be doing on the car”. I spent the next few minutes explaining it was a joke and I was sorry etc. Waiting to pay in a queue I was asked “Do you want anything?” which was referring to the Mother’s day dinner desert being planned. A lovely question and thoughtful, but my second poorly thought out response of “yep, I wanna go home” was not the right or indeed the correct answer. Like the guy I was speaking to previously, I too was now in the dog house. Apparently two “I was only joking” remarks doesn’t wash with my better half. To be honest, I can’t say I blame her.

Later that day when I got home I went out to my man cave (kennel), and re-assembled my brakes on the newly refurbished baking plates. You can see the final Part 3  of what they looked like by clicking here, or going to the Photos Menu, Wheels and Brakes, Front Brake Drum Rebuild Part 3.

I woke this morning to a light flurry of snow adding to the light sprinkle we already had last night. The wife went to see her mum for a cup of tea and it was time for me to play cars. My alter personality, Michelin man made another appearance due to the application of 4 layers of clothing, then I was ready. Originally I wanted to sort out under the hood with my new Eastwood Underhood Satin Black Paint, but as the cold weather put a the stop on that, a rapid change of plan to put the newly rebuilt brakes back onto the car. They went on with no trouble and looked great. Putting the wheel back on you can’t see the drum that well, but, I know it looks good and that’s all that matters. Whats the point when you can’t see it, I don’t know, but I just wanted to do it. Is that me being weird on does anybody else do that sort of thing?  I now have the left hand side drum to de-rust and spray up with VHT Caliper paint. Which I have already started today and hopefully finish of next weekend.

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Lighting the way


The weekends are short and the weeks are long, some are just to long. This past week has been one of those weeks you want to forget. Lack of sleep made me a bit cranky to be fair, so obviously a lay-in was on the cards on Sunday. As we live in a sleepy little village where the front page of the village magazine would be number 57’s cat found safe and well after being missing for 5 hours. Things are usually very quiet, during the week and weekends and I expect nothing different this weekend. 8.45am Sunday morning I was awoken by the sound of electric hedge trimmers. Why this elderly gentlemen decided to do trim his hedge at this time is beyond me. The guy is retired and he could do that any time during the week when us poor workers aren’t about. Should he have been more considerate or did he just not think of others? I would not cause bad feeling about it but it would have be nice to have had the rest. I was up early Saturday as we had things to do, so Sunday was going to be my rest day, alas it was not to be. Are layin-ins a thing of the past now days?

Earlier in the week I had ordered a light, not any old light, but something I had thought about for a little while now. Working on the car in the garage was a little difficult as the light bulb was in the middle of the garage, when the hood was up there was a horrendous shadow over was in the engine bay. I decided on a site light, this is a halogen bulb on a stand that is height adjustable. The reason behind it is that I can move the light where I want it around the car and also take it out to the man cave and work in the evening. I will review the Faithfull light and put it in the review section very soon. As I was out Saturday with the wife and my mother-in-law to get some replacement ceiling cords, we were looking around and I found a cheap wall mounted halogen unit almost as cheap as a the replacement bulb, needless to say I bought that and put it up today. Now I have a nice spot light straight into the engine bay. I have gone from a single 60w bulb to two lots of 500w lights. I’m not saying they are bright but Boeing have made a couple of detours from the normal flight path towards our house, not really but I wouldn’t be surprised. In fact I may get some lower wattage bulbs. Due to such a mental busy weekend I haven’t done half of what I wanted to do. But I have managed to put a final coat on the brake drums with VHT caliper satin black. I will review the spray soon too as it gave great results. I have taken photos and a video, which one I post I’m not sure yet.

5th March 2013 update:

I have now added the review of the Faithfull 500w Halogen light in the review section or click here for a direct link.

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