Making Headway


Looking forward to the long weekend as I could get to Mustang Maniac on Saturday and rest for a day on Sunday then do some homework which I had in mind on the bank holiday Monday. Saturday morning I loaded up the car and went to the garage to pick up my sockets and tools bag, I walked in picked up the stuff and put them in the boot and shut the garage door. Realising I forgot the ratchets I went to open the door Again. Locked. I searched my pocket, no keys. I went to the back of the car and checked the tool bag, no keys. I then had the cold sweat feeling, I put the keys on the service trolley in the garage. Now I always unlock the garage, lock it again and put the keys in my pocket. That way when I shut the door it’s already locked and so I don’t forget. Get the spare key, there is no spare key! When we bought the house there was only one key for the garage and I have been meaning to get one cut ever since for a number of years now should we say. At this point it’s dilemma time, do I try to get into the garage or leave it until Sunday? I decided to leave it, and went to say goodbye to the wife who could hear me havin’ my own little rant to myself out the front. She didn’t laugh (yet), but used some of the words that I was using previously to describe my stupidity back to me. Her stifled laughter didn’t last to long as I got in my car with the right hump. All sorts of things were running through my mind, locksmith? Replacement door? I just didn’t know what to think, all the way to the yard I was fretting and nothing on the radio calmed me down, cyclists two abreast down country lanes gave me the hump, getting stuck behind a bus down country lanes gave me the hump. Eventually I got to MM and bumped straight into Adam and Chris. I explained what I had done with my garage, they explained the best way to “re-gain entry” back into my garage when I got home. How do they know these things? Anyway, Sunday I tried their techniques to open the door. Now I needed a replacement part, I took the old one with me and took it to place I know who stock all that sort of stuff. Got home and replaced the handle and lock with a stronger quality one. All fixed again and now I have two keys.


If you need another key, get one cut before it’s to late!

I unloaded half the tools I normally take to the yard and went to the workshop. Where Adam showed me the head liner that had been fitted. It looks great and gives it new lease of life. There were a couple of fold marks near the edges that would drop out shortly under the pressure of the headliner bows. I was well pleased and decided to go for a celebration Cherry Bakewell cake with the guys in the boys club.

Next was some exhaust work, as the parts had been sprayed last week and they were waiting for Yogi who didn’t get a chance to re-hang the exhaust as he was busy on other cars. So as I watched him last week I had a go myself, I soon realised it’s not as easy as he made it look. I eventually got it all back in place and aligned it up best I could get it. Just in case Yogi wanted to move bits I didn’t clamp it up hard, but just a tiny pinch to hold the brackets in place. There was not a lot of room to manoeuvre under there but it’s hanging in place and ready for Yogi to do his thing with the three-inch headers to the main pipes. I know they are not aligned up square and neat, but they will do just for now.

The next part was the carburettor fitting, I removed the old tape from the inlet port that kept the area clean. I rubbed the area down clean ready for the gaskets to be fitted back in place. John joined me and we worked out the sequence of gaskets to be fitted. The first gasket was to seal the intake to the carb spacer.

Then comes the carb spacer, not essential but these give extra torque and power to the engine and make things run that much nicer. This spacer sits on top of the previous gasket.

The next part is the gasket for the bottom of the carb and then the car itself.

The sits on top and is bolted down for bolts each corner.

With the carb in place the throttle linkage was connected to the butterfly controls of the carb and the vacuum advance line. I’m not sure I like the pipe and may change that to look neater.

Adam joined me late in the day we got to grips with the pipe work. We fitted up the new black silicon pipes with my new clamps which turned out to be a real pig to fit in position due to the bulk of the T-bar fittings at the top. We eventually got there but I needed to order two more clamps for the top hose. The clamps should have fitted, but they wouldn’t fit over the pipes and the ridge at the end of the water pump. I will order the next size up they should be with me by the time I get to MM next week.

Feeling a little worse for wear at 7.30pm we decided to call it a day. I had forgotten all about my locked up key, that was until I got on the dual carriageway, put the car in cruise control and reflected on the day, what a stupid boy I had been I thought to myself. OK I didn’t use those exact words but it sort of means the same thing.

My homework? Well that was to bring home a wheel and tyre from my collection. Adam tells me I had different steel wheels from different cars and only one of which was a Mustang wheel. The wheels were welded on some, riveted on others, different sizes and slightly different designs all that I hadn’t noticed. The only good bit about it all was that the Mustang wheel had the best tyre of the bunch on it. I will clean up the wheel and use that for my spare should I ever need it that is.

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Ford Capri our UK Mustang?


Comparison Of  the Ford Mustang and the Ford Capri

The history of the Ford Mustang is well-known, and I have a few articles on this blog about the years and specifications. During a recent walk around the Classic car show I was taking some photos and spotted a similarity or two with the Mustang and Capri around the 1968 mark. The Capri was finished for a special preview in Bonn, Germany on 21 January 1969 and went on for a press release on 24 January at the Brussels motor show. The car was on the forecourts 5 February 1969. Was this car destined to be the UK Ford Mustang? I have been trying to find details of the designer but not much luck so far does anybody have any information I can add to my Article?

Ford Capri was a name used by the Ford Motor Company for three different models. The Ford Consul Capri coupé was produced by Ford of Britain between 1961 and 1964. The Ford Capri coupé was produced by Ford of Europe from 1969 to 1986. The Ford/Mercury Capri convertible was produced by the Ford Motor Company of Australia from 1989 to 1994.

The Capri name was also used by Ford’s Lincoln-Mercury Division on six different models which did not bear the Ford name. The Lincoln Cosmopolitan Capri from 1950 to 1951; the Lincoln Capri from 1952 to 1959; the Mercury Comet Capri in 1966–1967; and three different generations of Mercury Capris from 1970 to 1994.

I have created an Article for the Capri History and the Mustang comparison under the Articles section of click here for the quick link which was compiled from various web pages.

Anybody seen these side vents before? The center line running down the side of the car? Shape of the back section, replace the upper side vents with glass?

The wheels being different on the Mustang as a 5 Lug design and the Capri 4 Lug design, but they look pretty similar at a glance. The Capri front wing or Fender badge is in the same location as the Mustangs too.

Am I imagining this or is there a definite link or coincidence? I can’t track anything connecting the Mustang and the Capri from Ford. Who designed the Capri was he on the Mustang projects as well?

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Mother’s Day and Shoes


Unexpected day out.

Yesterday I was expecting to go out to the man cave to do some brake work and complete the rebuild of the brake drums. I was greeted with the usual smile and the devastating news everyman dreads, “We need to go shopping”. A shiver ran down my spine and deep down I knew it was going to be a bad day. After breakfast we got our coats and set off for the town, and there it was, traffic queuing for car parks. To top it all off it now started to rain. We eventually parked up and I was told we need to go to… The list was like an army itinerary to move base camp! I trundled along doing the dutiful husband thing. We got into Marks & Spencer and it seemed the whole world was in there having the same thoughts as we were. I noticed other men being told off and carrying baskets just like me, I smiled as I hadn’t been told off. There were men looking at flowers and one bloke in particular moaning about the price of the flowers, I assumed he was being a tight with the money. When I saw the prices I started moaning about the price of the flowers as well, open wallet surgery was not what I had in mind for Mother’s Day. A mutual conversation was struck up with a fellow husband who was in the dog house with his wife. We discussed the rip off state of the so-called “Days”. Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentines, Christmas, Easter they are all so commercial now it’s as if the card manufacturers create the “Days” to make extra money. I expect there will be a “Cut the grass day”, you will be expected to by a new lawn mower, deck chair, patio heater, BBQ and drinks chiller, all these things are essential as it’s what expected for this new day. Once upon a time it was a little card and flowers, now it’s chocolates, flowers, cakes, gifts, clothes and all sorts of other stuff, it never used to be like this. Is it just me or am I in a bad mood and it seems worse than it really is? I eventually caught up with the wife and she was looking at shoes, then I was in the no win situation no man has ever got right; “What do you think of these?” holding up a pair of shoes. Now I could answer that with “Yeah they are nice” or “Nope, I don’t like them”, Either answer would normally be greeted with “your just saying that” or “why what’s wrong with them?” Stupidly without thinking and being in my default car repair mode to keep me sane, I responded with, “They’re not as nice s my brake shoes I could be doing on the car”. I spent the next few minutes explaining it was a joke and I was sorry etc. Waiting to pay in a queue I was asked “Do you want anything?” which was referring to the Mother’s day dinner desert being planned. A lovely question and thoughtful, but my second poorly thought out response of “yep, I wanna go home” was not the right or indeed the correct answer. Like the guy I was speaking to previously, I too was now in the dog house. Apparently two “I was only joking” remarks doesn’t wash with my better half. To be honest, I can’t say I blame her.

Later that day when I got home I went out to my man cave (kennel), and re-assembled my brakes on the newly refurbished baking plates. You can see the final Part 3  of what they looked like by clicking here, or going to the Photos Menu, Wheels and Brakes, Front Brake Drum Rebuild Part 3.

I woke this morning to a light flurry of snow adding to the light sprinkle we already had last night. The wife went to see her mum for a cup of tea and it was time for me to play cars. My alter personality, Michelin man made another appearance due to the application of 4 layers of clothing, then I was ready. Originally I wanted to sort out under the hood with my new Eastwood Underhood Satin Black Paint, but as the cold weather put a the stop on that, a rapid change of plan to put the newly rebuilt brakes back onto the car. They went on with no trouble and looked great. Putting the wheel back on you can’t see the drum that well, but, I know it looks good and that’s all that matters. Whats the point when you can’t see it, I don’t know, but I just wanted to do it. Is that me being weird on does anybody else do that sort of thing?  I now have the left hand side drum to de-rust and spray up with VHT Caliper paint. Which I have already started today and hopefully finish of next weekend.

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Sunshine brings a smile


What a day! The sun was out and I was out – in the man cave and then the garage!

The predicted snow didn’t arrive, and I can’t say I was disappointed, but I was smiling. There was blue sky, the birds were singing and there was a beautiful sound of a 80 toothed Snap On ratchet hard at work!  I decided to remove the Brake Drum and backing plate to get it cleaned up ready for the new parts. I have taken lots of pictures and quick step by step process of what I have done. I was not to happy this morning though, I heard the postman, I run to the door and got a bill. Not the hammer I’m, just a bill. I was going to give somebody grief on Monday morning, but changed my mind and brought the day forward to today. I called the company, polite – but the bloke was not the shiniest spanner in the tool box should I say. Anyway, I explained the hammer hadn’t turned up and I was expecting it two days ago. He looked on his system and found that my hammer was awaiting a restock. They never emailed me to tell it was out of stock, to make it worse he couldn’t tell me when it was going to be back in stock either. Their advertising states, always in stock – Failed, they also say next day delivery – Failed. So I suggested that he should give me a refund as I aint happy. Fair enough the refund came through about an hour later, but I am looking forward to giving some negative feedback, oh yes! So as the wife was going out she asked if there was anything I needed as I think she felt sorry for me. To which you can probably guess the response – a hammer? We phoned a local company that specialises in tools, they had some in stock which I duly reserved. The wife picked it up and brought it back after her shopping. It was also cheaper than eBay! I got it in my hand about 1/2 hour  before I actually needed it. Perfect timing. The smile just got bigger.

The Brake unit removal was a good piece of work today, The whole brake unit is now in my man cave ready to be cleaned. If you want to know what a fully rusted set of drum brakes looks like on a 66 Mustang click here, or go to the Photos section/Wheels & Brakes. This was Part 1 to remove the drum, Part 2 will be to remove the old bits and clean, finally part three will be the rebuild and refit.

What shall I do tomorrow? I reckon if the weather is nice I may finish of the Brake booster ready to refit, if it’s not I will clean the first part of the drum up. I just can’t plan anything thing with this weather. According to the news on this side of the “pond” the USA is getting battered by snow. Is it really as bad as they say?

removing the cotter pin
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The Good, The Bad & The Ugly


The good, 

As I have cleaned out the garage to my car in stuff has been moved from there into my man cave. Now my man cave is 10 x 8 foot so it’s not to bad size wise. The down side is it has rapidly filled up with stuff I didn’t want in there, garden tools, seat cushions for our swing seat, hose pipes, ladders etc. I appreciate we have to store them somewhere as a compromise for my Mustang taking over the garage. Over Christmas I was treated to my front and rear bumpers. They were stored safe and sound in the garage. As we moved stuff out and dumped stuff the bumpers were moved to the shed, aka – man cave. This wasn’t a problem until A) I wanted to work in there but there isn’t room to stand. B) the bad weather arrived.

So in the minus 300c or what ever it is outside and snowing, I decided I needed to sort the bumpers out. Earlier in the week I purchased a set of six wall mounted screws £1.57 from eBay that hold bikes etc. bargain. I have 3 bumpers now, the original, which has virtually no chrome, rusted and pitted. Then the two replacements for Christmas, front and rear. I drilled the holes where the bolts go and screwed them in the wall. Lifted the bumpers onto the hooks, job done. They have plenty of room and don’t need tying as the hooked end holds them in place. Now they will be dry and out of harms way. 🙂

The Bad,

While I was at it I thought I would check the transmission leak. Although it has definitely slowed down,  there was about a desert spoon full in the drip tray. This sort of put me in a not so good mood shall we say. I could go and tweak a bit more to see if that helps. Perhaps her nose runs like mine does when I am freezin’ my dip stick off. I’m not to sure what to do about it now, if anybody has any ideas give me a mail or post a reply here. I have a direct email now which is under the Home button. I will have to put her back on axle stands and have a good look again. I got a Blue Point inspection mirror & magnetic pick up set so I will use those to a better effect I think when the weather goes back to normal and not arctic. Also my left front slow puncture has gone down again, I guess I will sort that out when she is back on axle stands 🙁

The Ugly,

The weather is certainly ugly, tiny flurries of snow all day, but nothing major yet. That is to come tonight. Anyway, as I was putting the brackets on the wall a neighbour was walking past with his wife and their old-timer of a dog who didn’t seem phased by the cold at all. The guy stopped to look at my car and started asking me questions about her. I love talking about it so we struck a good conversation up. He told me while he was in France a couple of weeks ago for a wedding, the groom turned up in a 66 fastback which was his fathers pride and joy. He told me that it was the first time he really heard one for real and has since fell in love with the v8’s. How nice was that from a real nice bloke too. The flip side of that was another woman who was going out came past, she couldn’t help but stare at us and gave me the most filthy and ugly look, just like a mole that had  burrowed its way into a sewage farm! What was that all about and why? 👿

Once I got back to my man cave I tidied up and made space again. Now that I can work in there again, I just need to work out a way to sneak the garden tools into the utility room and hope the wife won’t spot them, yeah right! If I did that I reckon I might get a rake stuffed somewhere that the sun don’t shine. Perhaps that not such a good idea after all, reason being I am after some wheel cylinders next. Lol.

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Still excited?


Oh yes, so I just had to share another photo with you.

As you can see from my previous post it was a big day for me on Saturday, it was the very first time I had sat in my car with the wheels moving. OK, so the car was being pushed, but I still had to steer it! (Let me have my moments to dream for a while.)

As I am still chuffed my car is in the garage, I thought I would share this picture of me sitting on the floor of the car as the seat has been taken out. Why no seat? The seat base had collapsed, so my mate Will made a good job of repairing the seat frame for me, it’s now waiting to be re-upholstered. Anyway, what you can’t see is that damn great stupid grin I have on my face 😀

I enjoyed it so much, it brought memories back to me of my first pedal car as a kid. I was excited then, just as I was on Saturday. The only difference this time is that, my metal pedal car looked like my Mustang when I finished with it, but the Mustang will look like the pedal car when I got it; All nice and shiny, like new and ready to hit the road. Not that I was on the road at that age, if you get where I’m coming from that is.

As promised, the car turning wheels with me in it for the very first time.

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