Hot Of The Press


You may remember that I helped Mustang Maniac out at their local car show at Enfield Pageant of Motoring 23 – 25 May this year. I was there with the usual loyal customers and good friends of MM. We all had a great time and spoke to lots of guests about the cars we bought along and all about repairs, parts and restorations. My car was there as an exhibit to show what it’s like to be part way through the nut and bolt restoration process. It turns out that “Classic American” magazine were also there covering the event and taking some pictures. It turns out that one of those pictures was of my car. My wife treated me to the annual subscription to the American Classic magazine as a birthday present a little while ago. The subscriber magazines arrive about a week ahead of officially hitting the shops. As usual I unwrapped the August edition of the magazine and assumed the position on the sofa. A habit of mine is that I just start flicking through the pages in order to work out what I was going to read first. I turned a number of the pages and when I got to page 70 I saw my car, in print. A full-page write up of the event and half of that page is a photo of my cherished car. I was so excited that the wife jumped out of her skin as I yelled out “Yes – my motor”. She wondered what the fuss was all about, she soon found out as I wedged the magazine right in front of her face as she was watching some TV. I think she got fed up with the fifth or sixth viewing of the article.

The Classic American August edition #292 is in the shops from July 16th 2015.


Some pics again of the Enfield Pageant 21-23 May 2015 on the Mustang Maniac stand.

Of course I can’t take credit for it all on my own, I have had help to get this far. So, it’s a big thanks to Adam and all the guys at Mustang Manic for getting me where I am today. Let’s hope there are more pictures to grace the pages of magazines in the future. It would be nice of course, but not to be expected or taken for granted.

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Videos & A Great Soundtrack


On my last post I mentioned that I had a couple of videos to be created and uploaded. The good news is that they are now on my YouTube channel to be viewed as well. I couldn’t wait to do them.

A quick note to point out here,  the carburetor was set up at idle and will run all day long like that. But, when the transmission puts the carb under load it will need a few more tweaks for choke, mixtures and float bowls etc. to become more stable. Hence the car sometimes cuts out when cold while engaging a drive gear. It’s an easily sorted out problem of course, but the car will need a few miles under its belt first before those small final adjustments are made once things settle down.

Turn up the volume & enjoy 🙂

The Workshop Move:

The first is of the car being moved for the first from the workshop under her own power. This video was kindly taken by Yogi at Mustang Maniac on Thursday 21st May 2015. The car had all the fluids checked and topped up before attempting to engage the drive from the transmission. The car was lifted off the ground on the ramps and the drive gearing selected for the transmission without load and given some gas to change gears. With the transmission and drive shafts looking OK, it could be stopped and lowered back to the floor. The car was then started up and driven out of the workshop ready to be loaded onto the truck to take her to a show.

The video can also be found on YouTube by clicking here,

First Public Showing:

With the best 2:30 sound track!

Enfield Pageant 21 – 23 May 2015 my car makes its first appearance to the public. The car still has no glass at this point so had to be covered at night and during any weather problems. The car starts fine from cold of course but needs a warm up for the transmission fluids too. This video has a nice extended soundtrack to hear the exhaust note on grass which tends to dull the sound a little. You can hear the difference when the car starts on the flat-bed and when it starts on the grass. If you look in the background you can see some people starting to gather around the car while Adam warms her up.

The video can also be found on YouTube by clicking here,

My main channel with all the videos so far can be found by clicking on the Logo below:

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