Classic Car Show Enfield ’14


 Enfield 24 – 26th May 2014

This weekend I was not down at he garages of Mustang Maniac but I made a visit to the Enfield Pageant where I went along to see the set of cars they had there. I was surprised that they took the UBB (ultimate Bad Boy) 1000bhp Mustang there, it was raining and they told me it was quite a handful in the wet! I wanted to get some spray paints and look for anything unusual for the garage or man cave. There was some metal garage signs that I liked the look off but my wallet had very stressful time while I was thinking about it, needless to say the purchase was not made. It seems that the these shows are becoming more of a family thing with fun fairs, garden stalls, toy stalls etc. Obviously they are there in case the rest of the family get board while the petrol head of the family has a fix on all the stalls there. Everything from engines and gear boxes to bulbs individually laid out in trays. Due to the weather the waterproof clothing stall done a few brisk sales for some reason. The down side was there wasn’t a huge amount of cars there to start with due to the rain. As it brightened up there were more cars to see as they were nursed out of the warm garages. The theme this year was the First and Second World Wars. The exhibits proved popular, at one point it was difficult to get into, I suspect that had a lot to do with the weather. The war tent had a rare Vauxhall war car and was the first time I have seen the Vauxhall emblem in 3d as it were.

The tent next to the War Exhibition was an American themed idea, there was a great Rock & Roll group there banging out some hits as well as some classic American icons. The Oldsmobile even had a propeller on the back, not sure what that was all about. anybody in the USA help with that one?

Outside there was a lot more cars and lined up made a good looking row.

There was a rare car there that I had never heard of before,”Murena”. So the story goes, there was a couple of very rich guys who got together to make a sports estate car, no rear seats required as it was just so they could go fishing and hunting with space for their equipment. It was said they liked sports cars but they weren’t practical. So they built their own.  Oh to be rich!

Mustang Maniac’s cars were out in force, and I can see they have lots more of their own cars on their blog page. I sat with the guys for a while during the rain storms and enjoyed the company. Thanks Guys.

The British cars were there too but in limited numbers at one point. Even took a picture of the only Stag I could see there for Stag Owners Club, who have a blog here Why do I mention these guys? If I hadn’t of bought a Mustang I would have gone for a Triumph Stag as a restoration project. But, it turned out I have Mustang Muscle cars burning in my veins.

More American cars splattered around the field, This huge Greyhound Truck was bigger than I had ever dreamed of, the brown rat rod was painted like that and was quite sound metal wise.

TV Stars; The hugely popular “Only Fools and Horses” comedy show had one of the original Reliant (3 wheelers) there.

only fools and horses

The other classic is the original 1966 Batmobile, there were three fibreglass models made of the original and I believe this is one of those from the London Transport Museum. I have added an article on this car as it was Ford based Lincoln Futura concept car with a 390Cid Ford v8 engine.

The whole day was summed up for me in this one photo. The guy has a classic rover estate which was the first one I had seen, he was walking back to his car carrying another rear wing for the one that has gone rotten beyond repair so he was saying. The classic car got a badly needed part. For me that is what these shows are all about. I was really pleased for this guy.

My final thoughts for the day was little disappointing as it was wet at times and the owners of the classic cars looked like they didn’t want to get them wet. that itself did mean that cars were little limited for choice. I did hear that Saturday was a better day and Sunday was not so good. It was a shame there was not more, but I would think twice about taking mine down there in the wet I must admit.

Quick Links:

Articles – The Original Batmobile 1966 or click here

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Unexpected Bouquet Award


There are not many things that cause me to be speechless because I like to think I have an answer (or a point) for most things.  Today was one of those moments. I was nominated for the Bouquet of Three Award! I write my blog about my passion for the restoration of my Mustang and I enjoy doing it. I never expect to receive any award for that reason as it is quite a niche subject, but if anybody takes time out to read my blog then I am grateful that they have kindly given up their time to share my passion. There are some really great blogs out there and I was lucky enough to find a great blog by Alicia Benton Her blog has made me laugh, reflect on and look at things from a slightly different perspective too; it really is worth stopping by to have read. I am humbled to be nominated for this award. I would honestly nominated the award to Alicia if she hadn’t already got it.

Thank you Alicia so very much.

Here are the rules:

1. Proudly display the Award Certificate on your blog page!

2. Announce your win with a post.  Be sure to link your post back to me as a “thank you” for the nomination.

3. Present up to 15 awards to fellow deserving bloggers.

4. Let them know you’ve nominated them for this awesome award.

5. Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

There are nearly 50 plus blogs that I follow and I wish I could give them all an award. But I am restricted of course, so it is a difficult decision I must choose, but here goes –

My nominations in no particular order are as follows: – I love this blog and we have become good friends through our mutual love of cars. – This guy has a true talent for photography and wouldn’t mind parting with money for some of his photos. My favourite photography blog. – This is a refreshing bright and colourful blog that keeps me coming back for more. – This blog makes me think, I don’t always agree with everything he says, but is that not the point to make us think? A great blog – A great petrol heads blog. A wide variety of subjects keeps me informed and educated. – A great blog to travel around the world with some great posts. – Another great around the world blog, photos and posts are top quality. – I have only been following this blog for a little while and it does inspire me, when I think I am grinding to a halt I can see the hard work that has gone into this guys hard work. I can really relate to it. – A bright refreshing and informative blog, I’m not sure why I like this blog but I do, but it’s a Well written blog. – I love the Formula 1 racing and this guy gives me everything I need, if I miss a race and I need to catch up – this is where I will be. – This is a great blog and cheers me up no end. Well written and I look forward to the posts. – This guy has awards all over the place and it’s easy to see why. A few more won’t hurt. – A blog dedicated to restoring a classic Mustang. – A varied video blog of all great American cars. – Another great travel blog with some great photos.

Seven Interesting Facts about me:

1) I polish my tools before I put them all away in my polished tool chest

2) I have a sleep disorder where I wake up at least once every night

3) I love gadgets

4) I read the manuals for all the stuff I buy except when I make a flat pack of something. It’s a man thing!

5) I made myself sick once by go-karting for to long without a break

6) I have fallen asleep in shop doorway in London after a heavy night on the town. I woke up with some small change in my lap!

7) I honestly like the Nick Cage movie –  Gone In 60 Seconds

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Classic Adverts


Many moons ago….

When I left school I took a four-year apprenticeship in Lithographic Proofing, that was hand feed pre-production runs of no more than twelve copies. Sadly that trade died with the onslaught of computers. As a result of my proud trade that took me years to master, I have seen the usual adverts for hair products, cigarettes,  perfume, vinyl record sleeves, video cases, jewellery, auction houses promotional posters, books and various posters. Some of them never went to press but most did. The advantage is that I still have some of those posters for Rolls Royce, Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, Jimmy Dean, Ayrton Senna, Mac Trucks, Ford etc. I mention the background history for a reason, I have always loved rare posters and photos and kept what interested me especially the cars stuff as I have always been a petrol head since I can remember. Why, I’m not sure, I was aways considered the black sheep of the family because of it as everybody else liked football (soccer). From those early days I had my bedroom wall covered in the posters of cars and some I put in frames. A few days ago I wasn’t feeling too good, so I was hunting around on the net for images of rare Mustangs. Yeah, I found some good pics, but what caught my eye was these old adverts that Ford came up with for their Mustangs. I’m not sure with all the politically correct brigade out there now that they could get away with some of them today. What struck me was the way that the times have changed, “featuring all vinyl interiors” and the like. I just had to share these, due to the age and perhaps not so good scans of them they are difficult to read, but you get the idea though. I did try and get better copies but without much luck. Perhaps a little self-indulgent on my part, but hopefully they can be appreciated for what they are, a little piece of history of a great car. I wonder if anybody can remember these adverts at the time and maybe had them on their walls. I am also looking to do my garage up with some old vintage metal signs, you know the sort, Champion, Michelin, Ford,  Shell, Esso etc, I just have to keep my eyes open in the antique shops, but I havn’t had much luck so far. I hope you like them as much aa I do.

Please “Like” my Facebook page or follow me on Twitter if you enjoyed them.

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