Dodging the rain


Dodging the rain again today.

The sun was out for about 3 hours. Ok, I exaggerated a bit, I should have said it stopped raining for a couple of hours. The break in the rain allowed me the hour or so of quality time on the car. I decided to fit the Scott Drake fan shroud on the radiator. It was a nice hassle free project for a change. I have written a review of the parts and a step by step of the fitting. The fitting start to finish took no more than an hour all in. The next part for me to do is the Bumper stone guard paint or top side.

The New Year seems to be charging towards us rather than creeping up on us.

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Day in the man cave!


The weather is not good 🙁

Well, I am starting to get the hump big time with this weather now. I was beginning to think I should build an Ark to get the animals in two by two instead of my Mustang! The rain was so bad that I couldn’t get out onto the car today, let’s just say it was very persistent in trying to get me soaked through and prevent me from going out there. The next best option? Man cave! (My shed in other words,) shed it was to be. When did it stop raining? Just as the sun was going down. Marvelous! It was not a wasted day in the end though, I worked out where to finally put my vice (vise for the USA readers). I have made a few adaptions to it for a quick release version. The review for the vice is here or in the main menu at the top, it’s good bit of kit.

I will try to get out on the Mustang radiator to fit the new shroud or at least start work on the Bumper Stone Guard tomorrow.

Looking forward to a New Year with better things in store for us, with any luck.

Have a good evening everybody and I wish you all a very Happy New Year.

(Just in case you don’t come back before then).

Cheers! And a very Happy New Year.
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Took my crimping tools away with me!


Why did you take the tools with you? Did I hear you ask, OK perhaps you didn’t then!

Anyway, I had been working away for a couple of days and stayed in a great hotel. As I was on my own (Billy no mates), It gave me time to work on blog in the hotel room, I know I should be drinking beer etc. Moving on, as a result of the time on my own I could work on the latest review of the American Autowire (AAW) Crimps that compliment the American Autowire Upgrade kit I install and reviewed. The crimping tools review is found under the “Tool Reviews” button and the Wiring Loom is found under the “Part Reviews” button now located on the home bar at the top.

Or click the hyper links for the reviews of the AAW wiring loom here, for the AAW Crimp tools here.

I took the tools with me as I find it a lot easier to write about them when they are to hand, plus the fact they are only small and didn’t take up to much room. See, there was a logical explanation 🙂

Not long now for Christmas Day, I will be looking forward to a nice break over the holidays and get a few hours in on the car. Maybe Boxing Day would be ideal. I have no intention of going to the sales, unless there are some Mustang bits in it for me!

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I need a little help!


It’s been a busy weekend and a productive weekend at the same time, I don’t get to many of those to be fair. I have made space back in the man cave as the fenders have gone back on the car., Ok,  so they are not aligned up yet properly though as I want some nice new bolts to go in the top and the hood rubbers I also need.  I have managed to treat the Bumper Stone Guard on the inside (part 1), and completed a nice power tool review. But first,

I need some help:

Yesterday when I put the fenders back on I noticed a little bit of surface rust creeping back onto the top of my rocker covers, I intend to replace these with chrome ones anyway but for now I wanted to keep the natural buffed steel look. Does anybody have any ideas on how to seal them from the elements and keep the natural look? If so can you give me some ideas on the forum pages or click here for the hyper link to go straight there.

My manager has been saying that I have needed help for well over a year now, *shakes head* LoL.

Thanks for that Alli. 😀


Anybody got any hangover cures? If so go to the Forums and Discussions page to leave me some tips or others who may need them this Christmas! Or click on the link here for hyper link straight there.


I have published a tool review of the Dewalt Orbital Sander D26453 which is a really great piece of kit. Check out the review here or go to the tools review section.

Last but not least

I have tweaked a few little bits on the blog too,I have put the Forum and discussions link at the top next to the “home” button. Hopefully that will make it easier to get to the sister site.

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Bonus weekend


Well I have been tidying the man cave up and getting ideas in my head in order to review or comment on. The fenders were a tiny bit tacky but workable. Not sure if that is what Carplan Tetroseal mean by dry. I removed the shower curtain from under the fender and rolled it up.

Tip: If you are going to spray I use a shower curtain that are real cheap to buy and spray on that, the spray wont go through as its water proof!

I have added the review of the Ring Solar Battery maintenance charger here and another book not a manual this time; Mustangs 1964 1/2 – 1973 review here, or you can get them from the menus to the right. Take a look and leave a comment or put in a request. I have added another forum page to enable you to put requests in for things I could review, thats if I have them of course or will be getting them.

I will probably try to get the fenders on next weekend and get the front grill sections ready for rubbing down and filling.

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Last good weekend before Christmas?


They say make hay while the sun shines, I say “Restore Mustang when you can!”

Well the weather looked cold and chilly, but it wasn’t to bad after all. Only a coat and fleece on today to keep me warm. Lets hope the winter is not to harsh like they say it’s gonna be. Worst for 100 years no less. I will still be out in the man cave doing bits I can.

I promised a review of the Carplan Tetroseal Underbody Sealant, I have used it and reviewed it. After all the things I had read about it the hype didn’t in anyway stand up to my usage tests. In fact very disappointed; perhaps I should have spent more and bought something else? The POR15 is now my undercoat. Nothing on the forum pages I posted there to advise otherwise about this stuff. Maybe something else would have been just as bad, or better. I will never know now. What I do know for sure is that when I put the rear quarter panel on I will use the real thick rubberized coatings and research a lot more or ask me ‘ol mate Adam at Mustang Maniac. Read the review here or from the links on the side.

I amy review another book and post tomorrow, I only have two left now to review. Perhaps a tool of some sort. perhaps I will keep you guessing.

Remember, if the sun is out – get the tools out!

It’s just like a giant lego kit!
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Tool review also added


Another update.

I have had a good evening so I have also managed to add a tool review for a pipe bending tool. Go to the button for the review or click here. It’s only a small review as there is not too much to say about them. My next update will be the American Autowire wire kit review. I have some small tweaks to do on the review and add the pictures to it. I have a book review I am also working on that is a particular favourite of mine.

Hopefully I will get the Autowire review on this week if not I expect to get the book review on there.

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A change of mind!


I was going out to reattach the driver side fender and remove the right hand side fender. As I was undoing the bolts I remembered that I only put it together at the time with some cobbled together nuts and bolts. As a result it was all a bit loose.

So, in a moment of madness I decided to take the lot off and put it all in my shed to be worked on. It will all get the same underside treatment as the fenders, and then fill the dents and smooth out the bumps. If anybody wanted to come round to look at the car they wont see the gorgeous lines of a classic car, just a few heavy gauge chassis parts and the interior of an engine bay. I have left the hood on in order to hold the cover on. Take a look at what a Mustang looks like with no front body work! Go to the photo’s section for the “Front end body work removed” or click Here to go straight to it.

If all goes well I may be posting a tool review a bit later too.

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