Articles galore


Finally got round to it!

Over the months I have been searching around for good articles on the First Generation Mustangs 1964 1/2 to 1973, I believe I have completed that task at long last. I have come across a few articles that were sparse, some that just droned and so nit picky it wasn’t enjoyable, and some that were great mixture. I have had quite a few “hits” on the ’66 Mustang article that I posted a while back where it gave details of the car, number sold and options etc. I have collated all of the other car years articles together and added them to my “Articles – Mustang Profiles by Year” for the full specifications of each year, or for a quick overview comparison of the years models click here. There is a quite a lot of information about the cars for each year from optional extras available to colour options to choose from at the time. I have tracked down a good Vin Decoder with diagrams which shows where to locate the VIN and how to read it too, (the VIN details are also on each specific year of car too). The 1964 Ford Press Release for the Mustang is very interesting and worth the read. I would like to say that it was all my own work, however and sadly I can’t claim that accolade and the source(s) are acknowledged. I have taken some of the articles edited them and patched them together to make a longer article. It’s interesting as I was looking for the information that there does seem to be a lot of duplication on the web sites for this subject, it’s all pretty similar as it’s now as it’s a popular part of automotive history. I hope the articles turn out to be useful as they did for me and I learned quite a lot in the process. I will continue to find more interesting articles that catch my eye and post them too, keep checking for updates when you return. Looking forward to the weekend, it’s been a long week already.

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Hat trick…


So its Sunday night, and I am thinking about work again. What prodded these dark thoughts? The weather again. Saturday was a good day as the sun was out, cold but the sun was definitely there. Today it has been raining, this stopped a fair bit of play on the car as the wind chill made it feel positively Siberian. But the hat trick this evening, it’s snowing! I couldn’t believe it. It had been locked in my own little world tweaking my blog and responding to a few emails that I had lost track of time. I hadn’t looked out the window, I hadn’t gotten out of my chair or moved from my screen.  At work you are supposedly to have a five minute break every hour from your screen. At home do we? Nope, not me. I was to busy preparing my next review or news on what I have been up to, the time flies by and I’m getting tired. Now I have realised the time, I started to get my stuff ready for work and look out the window, that’s when I noticed the snow is starting to settle. I dare say that the journey into work will be chaos, there will be idiots on the road who think that their 4×4’s are invincible. I have news for you people, the car you drive has rubber tyres like mine, if you hit ice you will skid, just like me. I’m starting to get stressed about it already. This is not a good sign. I need a holiday, a month after Christmas and it seems like half a year ago.

The car, this weekend I have taken the brake drum off and posted pics of that under the photos section, or you can click here. I have sorted out the man cave again as it was getting in a mess. To cold to use filler, to cold to spray and with the amount of rubbing down I have to do I can’t have the door shut with all the dust flying around. So a bit of a non event Sunday. I mentioned earlier I was doing a review, that was for a Snap On torch I have. You can find it under the Accessories section, or click here for the quick link.  I also put a real quick review of some soft jaws for my vice, that can be found under the Tools section by the Stanley vice, or click here.

Lets hope the weather improves here and also the USA gets over their bad weather too. Then we can all get on with doing what we like doing, in my case working on my car. The worlds climate has just mental, I just can’t remember it ever being this mad.

Thanks to everybody who has left comments this week on my blog, it really does make it all worth while to think that somebody has enjoyed a read with me. I appreciate it.

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The Good, The Bad & The Ugly


The good, 

As I have cleaned out the garage to my car in stuff has been moved from there into my man cave. Now my man cave is 10 x 8 foot so it’s not to bad size wise. The down side is it has rapidly filled up with stuff I didn’t want in there, garden tools, seat cushions for our swing seat, hose pipes, ladders etc. I appreciate we have to store them somewhere as a compromise for my Mustang taking over the garage. Over Christmas I was treated to my front and rear bumpers. They were stored safe and sound in the garage. As we moved stuff out and dumped stuff the bumpers were moved to the shed, aka – man cave. This wasn’t a problem until A) I wanted to work in there but there isn’t room to stand. B) the bad weather arrived.

So in the minus 300c or what ever it is outside and snowing, I decided I needed to sort the bumpers out. Earlier in the week I purchased a set of six wall mounted screws £1.57 from eBay that hold bikes etc. bargain. I have 3 bumpers now, the original, which has virtually no chrome, rusted and pitted. Then the two replacements for Christmas, front and rear. I drilled the holes where the bolts go and screwed them in the wall. Lifted the bumpers onto the hooks, job done. They have plenty of room and don’t need tying as the hooked end holds them in place. Now they will be dry and out of harms way. 🙂

The Bad,

While I was at it I thought I would check the transmission leak. Although it has definitely slowed down,  there was about a desert spoon full in the drip tray. This sort of put me in a not so good mood shall we say. I could go and tweak a bit more to see if that helps. Perhaps her nose runs like mine does when I am freezin’ my dip stick off. I’m not to sure what to do about it now, if anybody has any ideas give me a mail or post a reply here. I have a direct email now which is under the Home button. I will have to put her back on axle stands and have a good look again. I got a Blue Point inspection mirror & magnetic pick up set so I will use those to a better effect I think when the weather goes back to normal and not arctic. Also my left front slow puncture has gone down again, I guess I will sort that out when she is back on axle stands 🙁

The Ugly,

The weather is certainly ugly, tiny flurries of snow all day, but nothing major yet. That is to come tonight. Anyway, as I was putting the brackets on the wall a neighbour was walking past with his wife and their old-timer of a dog who didn’t seem phased by the cold at all. The guy stopped to look at my car and started asking me questions about her. I love talking about it so we struck a good conversation up. He told me while he was in France a couple of weeks ago for a wedding, the groom turned up in a 66 fastback which was his fathers pride and joy. He told me that it was the first time he really heard one for real and has since fell in love with the v8’s. How nice was that from a real nice bloke too. The flip side of that was another woman who was going out came past, she couldn’t help but stare at us and gave me the most filthy and ugly look, just like a mole that had  burrowed its way into a sewage farm! What was that all about and why? 👿

Once I got back to my man cave I tidied up and made space again. Now that I can work in there again, I just need to work out a way to sneak the garden tools into the utility room and hope the wife won’t spot them, yeah right! If I did that I reckon I might get a rake stuffed somewhere that the sun don’t shine. Perhaps that not such a good idea after all, reason being I am after some wheel cylinders next. Lol.

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It had to happen at some point!


Here I am sitting in front of the PC and I am updating the pages. I started to play around with the Poll pages. It grabbed my attention so I thought I would have a play around with it. As a result I have proudly added 2 polls that are just for fun. I reckon there could be more! 🙂

Any that you would like to see in particular?

The first and most importantly – What is the best car chase in a movie?

The second – What do you like most about Christmas?

The first poll about the car chases I intend to leave running for a while and the Christmas one, well its only a few days away now so it will go in the new year obviously. But it gives you plenty of time to vote. So hit those buttons and see if anybody agrees with you! The polls are just to the right under “Polls just for fun”. Enjoy.

I Can’t believe it – 3 updates in a weekend!

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Picture requests


Due to popular demand (OK, it was only a couple), I have uploaded a few more pictures of the day the Coupe arrived. Go to the button for the pics or click here.

It was on the back of a low loader and by the time I got my camera ready it was unceremoniously dropped onto the drive. The car was locked and the driver presented me with the docs for the car but no keys! It turned out that he had dropped them in the gutter outside, about a foot away from a drain. At the time there was one set of keys; needless to say I was not a happy chap at that point. We found them shortly after, so all was well in the end. As the car was dead; no brakes, no wiring in it and no steering wheel fitted, it was an interesting hour or so to move her about- out of the way. The car was stuffed with parts in boxes so I had to find the steering wheel in order to move her. Ever tried to push a car when the steering wheel comes off in your hand? I wouldn’t recommend it.

So I missed the big moment of the delivery on the truck I’m sad to say. But, I do have plenty more where these came from and I will upload them as soon as I get the chance.

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