Mitchell & King Snow

Cost:  £12.99 / 1000ml

Date of Review: 9th November 2020

The Sales Pitch from Mitchell & King:

Super Thick Reformulation

  • Wax Safe
  • Loosens contaminants
  • Highly concentrated
  • Good Longevity On Paintwork (increased softening of contaminants)
  • Perfect for Frequent Use
  • Essential for safe washing
  • 1:10 Ratio 

New Version Includes More Foam And Longer Dwell

Snow V2 is our reformulated snow foam. You wanted more foam and for it to last longer on the car. So we increased the thickness of the foam and also increase the dwell time.

Better Cleaning, Means A Safer Main Wash

In addition to this we also increased the amount of cleaning power, so now you can have an even safer wash than before ! We know you require the safest wash technique. So I made sure that our pre wash foam gently loosens dirt and dislodges the contaminants from the paintwork to allow for a safe wash stage. If you require a stronger product, please look at Exile- our super strength pre wash.

Every M&K Detailer Uses Snow

If you need proof of accreditation or testimonials, rest assured that every Mitchell and King Ambassador, retailer and detailer use Snow. It is used around the world from London, Beverly Hills, Hong Kong and Dubai in a variety of climates and water

Hard Or Soft Water ? Snow Works

I know that hard water can be an unwelcomed side effect of living in a major city and can Thankfully Snow has so much foam enhancement properties that even in hard water areas you will still benefit from nice foam. 


What You Get:

A good value one litre bottle of concentrate snow foam. When mixed as 10:1 solution this will give you ten litres or so of foam.

Here I put around a tenth in the foam concentrate in the cannon bottle and mixed with water to give the recommended mixture.

There was enough in this bottle to do a smart car and my Honda SUV.

Product Description:

A pre-washing step where the snow foam is designed to remove and loosen contaminates on the paint before the actual washing step with shampoo.



Attached to my pressure washer with the same settings as my other snow foams the mixture immediately foamed up and stuck to the paint.

Start at the bottom and work towards the top is the general rule of thumb. I will say that it’s strangely satisfying to see the snow foam mummify the car.

Yes it did apply nicely, but it was only around half a minute when I noticed the foam slide down the paint. After a minute and a half not much was left on the car as most of it was on the floor. This was late in the afternoon, there was virtually no wind and the paint was cold.

Yes you want the foam to slide of taking with it the majority of the of the debris on the car. But, as you are supposed to let it dwell to soften the debris it didn’t get much chance to do the softening.


A good strong jet wash was my plan to not only wash the foam off, but to also remove the debris with the powerful jet. I let the water dry of naturally in the air and this is what was left.

The same as before I started the foam experience.


I was quite disappointed considering how good M&K products are in general. I was expecting more and maybe it would change my mind on the now required Snow Foam step.

Nothing obvious was seen after application, there was not a debris slide of dirt going down the paint. In fact the road traffic film had not budged at all. Even with the powerful jet spray I was hoping to see some of it get washed off the paint at least.

When I washed the car with a shampoo and mitt, two bucket method the dirt did wash of easily. Perhaps it did soften up. I suspect that is down to the quality of the shampoo more so than the snow foam. I would say that if it did soften some of the debris, it didn’t wash off with the jet wash.

Maybe constantly recovering the car with the foam would help to stop it sliding of and drying out. I suspect that would be a bit wasteful and proper careful bucket wash would have a better effect.

With the wax that was already on the car, the Snow didn’t remove those previous layers and some beading was still evident even though the wax was coming to the end of its life span.

Rating:  4 out 10

I am still not a snow foam lover at all. This has done nothing to make me enthusiastic about the process. It did foam up nicely within our hard water area.

Ease of use – 10 out 10

Finish – 3 out 10


There’s plenty of hype around this step in the detailing industry, and I still stand by the fact that I think it’s an overrated step to be honest. If it does help by ten or twenty percent to help soften grime, then it’s obviously a bonus. I have yet to see any physical evidence that it makes that much difference.

The product stayed on for a little while. But it’s not the best product that I have used for the snow foam step.

This snow foam is almost the same as using a top quality shampoo with suds to be liberally applied to the paint work. this would also allow the shampoo to soften up the debris with warm water and the suds. Rinse of then wash again properly.

Would I recommend it? No

Would I buy it again? No

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