Vice 6″ Soft Jaws


This is only a real short review for some replacement soft jaws for my vice. As the Stanley jaws are really quite aggressive they will damage the delicate parts if you’re not careful. The solution soft jaws.

In the Box:

There was only bubble wrapped set of jaws. Cheap postage and they can’t really be damaged. No instructions but it doesn’t take a degree in engineering to work out how these go.


For the more delicate objects that need to be held fast. Obviously a little common sence prevails, you wind the vice hard it will crush it. These jaws are to stop the kriss cross effect of the main vice jaws.


Dead simple they are magnetic and are removed in seconds. There are various types of jaws that you can buy, plastic, hide or these style. A combination of jaws for various jobs wont break the bank and will make your life that little easier.

cost: £4


There is nothing to say apart from they work, they don’t leave marks and they stay in place. The aluminium is a little soft and did mark pretty easy, but it wont stop the function of the jaws. The magnets are not that strong but they won’t fall out. A couple of sharp edges show a little lack of care during manufacturing.

Rating: 6 – 10

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