Spring Break Kustom Kulture ’24 (part 2)

The car show was getting warmer and more people were coming into the show as the car boot sale was finishing up in the field adjacent to the show field. It was getting on to be a busy ol’ show.

The end of part one of this show I mentioned there was a exhibition tent. This was a radio controlled club. The amazing thing about these models was the sound, They changed gears, the big rigs dumped air now and again, lights and just so detailed. Throughout the day these were seen driving around the hard standing areas. Some very impressive models taking dirt form a pile, into a truck which in turn drove to the other end of the tent to drop it off. Once there another excavator loaded up dirt from that end to back where it had come from.

Parked right in the corner of the field was this truck. It also got my vote for being the car (vehicle) of the show. I couldn’t believe the size of this thing! I would loved to have seen inside it, and I know virtually nothing about this truck.

Working back up the lines again more really nice cars.

This beautiful Oldsmobile got my second place, it was just amazing.

There was a little group of some UK ‘Fast Fords’ which are now commanding some pretty serious money.

There was a few Mustangs at the show, both old and new, so I have grouped them together. There is even a Mach-E as well. Controversial being called a Mustang by Ford, but who am I argue?

The rest of vehicles around the outside of the main arena.

After a good walk and look round I got back to the car for a well earned rest and plenty to drink. The sun stayed out all the time I was there at the show and with little cloud cover. I did leave early as there no point hanging around for the trophies. One of the cars that was selected had a dent in the rear drivers rear quarter. So I’m not sure what the criteria is to be placed, but the Knuckle Busters show does tend to be very same old, same old cars. The truck to left of my car won something too.

Fantastic weather, beautiful cars and some great people that I spoke with throughout the day. Here’s to the next double header weekend of car shows, providing the weather is nice of course.

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