Picture requests

Due to popular demand (OK, it was only a couple), I have uploaded a few more pictures of the day the Coupe arrived. Go to the button for the pics or click here.

It was on the back of a low loader and by the time I got my camera ready it was unceremoniously dropped onto the drive. The car was locked and the driver presented me with the docs for the car but no keys! It turned out that he had dropped them in the gutter outside, about a foot away from a drain. At the time there was one set of keys; needless to say I was not a happy chap at that point. We found them shortly after, so all was well in the end. As the car was dead; no brakes, no wiring in it and no steering wheel fitted, it was an interesting hour or so to move her about- out of the way. The car was stuffed with parts in boxes so I had to find the steering wheel in order to move her. Ever tried to push a car when the steering wheel comes off in your hand? I wouldn’t recommend it.

So I missed the big moment of the delivery on the truck I’m sad to say. But, I do have plenty more where these came from and I will upload them as soon as I get the chance.

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