It had to happen at some point!

Here I am sitting in front of the PC and I am updating the pages. I started to play around with the Poll pages. It grabbed my attention so I thought I would have a play around with it. As a result I have proudly added 2 polls that are just for fun. I reckon there could be more! 🙂

Any that you would like to see in particular?

The first and most importantly – What is the best car chase in a movie?

The second – What do you like most about Christmas?

The first poll about the car chases I intend to leave running for a while and the Christmas one, well its only a few days away now so it will go in the new year obviously. But it gives you plenty of time to vote. So hit those buttons and see if anybody agrees with you! The polls are just to the right under “Polls just for fun”. Enjoy.

I Can’t believe it – 3 updates in a weekend!

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Last good weekend before Christmas?

They say make hay while the sun shines, I say “Restore Mustang when you can!”

Well the weather looked cold and chilly, but it wasn’t to bad after all. Only a coat and fleece on today to keep me warm. Lets hope the winter is not to harsh like they say it’s gonna be. Worst for 100 years no less. I will still be out in the man cave doing bits I can.

I promised a review of the Carplan Tetroseal Underbody Sealant, I have used it and reviewed it. After all the things I had read about it the hype didn’t in anyway stand up to my usage tests. In fact very disappointed; perhaps I should have spent more and bought something else? The POR15 is now my undercoat. Nothing on the forum pages I posted there to advise otherwise about this stuff. Maybe something else would have been just as bad, or better. I will never know now. What I do know for sure is that when I put the rear quarter panel on I will use the real thick rubberized coatings and research a lot more or ask me ‘ol mate Adam at Mustang Maniac. Read the review here or from the links on the side.

I amy review another book and post tomorrow, I only have two left now to review. Perhaps a tool of some sort. perhaps I will keep you guessing.

Remember, if the sun is out – get the tools out!

It's just like a giant lego kit!
It’s just like a giant lego kit!
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Making up for lost time

I’m not sure what my head is doing, it’s telling me it is absolutely fine to stay up late and work on my blog!

The next morning I feel like somebody has had a rave in my head and I then hurt. No it’s not a hang over before I get some sarcastic comments back thank you!

I call it devotion to my readers, so I am posting a review of one of my favourite manuals, it’s not to pricey and is a great upgrade based book with some classic elements within it, such as body alignment etc. Take a quick look at “Classic Mustang Restoration, Repair & Upgrades” in the book section or click here.

This weekend I intend to upload a few pics of the new bumpers, my Christmas presents from the wife. I should also do the underseal Carplan Tetroseal review as well to see what it’s like. Follow the link to the forum pages and leave a reply for any ideas on underseal or anything that you want to see discussed. Halfway through the week, that means we’re on a wind down to weekend!

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