Americana (last) Car Show of 2021.

This show was held at Stonham Barns organised by the Knuckle Busters Car Club on the 19/9/2021. This particular car show was for American cars only and is usually well supported and this time around that was no exception. I arrived early and I was asked if I wanted to attend in the centre ring. Why not? Early bird gets the worm and all that. I parked up next to some stunning cars which made my car look like a Matchbox or Dinky toy!

I parked next to a massive Buick that could only be described as a ‘land barge’, such a nice car it was too. Me and the owner sat in our chairs and chatted most of the afternoon.

I decided to have a wonder round and take the pictures before the public came in.

I thought I would batch the Mustangs together here, but there wasn’t as many as I thought there would have been.

A car I had seen a couple of shows earlier, but I couldn’t get that close to before. Another iconic car from Ford – the Torino. I wanted that car so bad as a little boy. My nan even knitted me a Starsky jumper. Thinking about it; I still want one!

This Corvette was beautiful.

The ones next to it weren’t to shabby either.

Back to the other cars now and in no particular order.

Truck Time. I was speaking to the guy who owned the Viper powered truck, he said it scared him on two levels; one the petrol it used and the other was that the truck wanted to kill him!

We have to pause and and look at what Pontiac did when they created this gorgeous and much coveted car.

And my no means least, I was also strangely drawn to the taxi as well.

Throughout the day there was music and a really good live band with plenty of 50’s rock & roll with a little dancing as well.

The day was dry and warmish and didn’t rain for a change. A great day and so much American iron I wanted to drive home. But, I could only drive one home and that was my little lady.

So that’s it, my last car show of the season and the drive home was the scenic route to make it last that bit longer. I was sad the shows were over. There are some New Years day runs, or Boxing day runs but I don’t attend them as the weather is usually bad or there is salt on the road.

When I got home the car was wiped over with a quick detailer that is carnauba infused. The chrome wheels were waxed but not buffed off, the wheels also got a squirt of Gibbs Brand into the seams to protect over the winter. The tyres given a heavy coating of tyre treatment before being put in the garage. Even though my car’s garage has a radiator to keep the frost out and a dehumidifier as well that runs day and night; the car still needs protection. I intend to get the car out over the next couple of months to give the car a polish and proper wax ready for next years shows, providing I have two clear days of dry weather to do it. The wax I use is recommended to leave on and cure as long as possible. Which in my case is overnight. The next day I will buff and shine up.

I will still be doing updates and I aim for some car detailing product reviews, so keep an eye out.

For Sale:

I have been selling a few of these ‘T Park Lock’ handles and the feedback has been good. I even sold out my first batch and now the second has arrived. I’m even throwing in a free little key ring as well now while the stock lasts. Click here to go to the For Sale page to buy one. Press to lock system and simple to fit with no modifications needed at all to your car.

It was a good year for 2021 car shows, let’s hope there is more of the same for next year. But, this is the UK after all and it rains – a lot! So I’m not gonna hold out to much hope that they will all be dry and sunny. We can live in hope though.

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32 thoughts on “Americana (last) Car Show of 2021.

  1. Man! That is a lot of impressive rolling stock. I say off the top that your ‘Stang holds it own in any showing. Well done, lad. A Pacer? I cannot imagine how one got to the UK. An impressive lineup of Chevy trucks, I must say. The grillwork on that Buick, alone, outweighs your entire Mustang. These are great shots. That Trans Am? Step back. I once hit 140 mph driving one of about that vintage on U.S. Route 22 in Ohio, before I had to take my eyes off the dial and try to keep the thing somewhere on the asphalt and not in some ditch. Had more in it, but I was going to run out of highway. Thanks for checking in, as always. Have a great winter keeping your baby in shape, and I look forward to next season’s shows.

    1. Thanks Brad for the comments. I can’t imagine doin those speeds in a big American muscle. But it soundscapes like fun tho. I do like the American shows just to see what turns up. Like you say the Buick was something else.
      Looking forward to next year too.

      1. A lot more real estate out there in the American Midwest. Combine it with the cluelessness of your average 20-something, and that’s why they built those cars.

    1. You are so right Sandra. These beasts were designed to look good and not just function in a wind tunnel. American designed cars of the 50 & 60s will never be surpassed. I loved them all. I wish I had a huge garage to have one of each.

      1. That show looked really fun. The original series Corvette was spectacular. My wife loves those cars.

        Your photos were great. I really loved the detail on that large Buick. Those were giant rolling sculptures. Thanks again for such a great post. It made me smile.

          1. Ha ha! Some of those 1950s big American cruisers like the Buicks and the Cadillacs were unbelievably huge. Over here I compare them to my Ram 3500 – a heavy duty truck for heavy towing. I think those Buicks and Cadillacs were as long as my big truck.

            We also joke about how many bodies you can fit in their trunks. 😂😂

            It’s interesting too how much smaller the first gen Mustang is compared to the new ones. But hey, for a sports car, smaller and lighter is better.

  2. What a beautiful exhibition of the classic American automobile. I had no idea there was such broad representation in the. UK. Glad you had a wonderful time, and that you escaped rain. That last show is so bittersweet.

    I stopped a bit early this year to get prostate surgery. It’s a rough deal, but one thing that keeps me going is the thought of getting back into the fun cars, my Dart and my Porsche Cayman.

    It’s interesting about your discussion about the Green movement versus the classics. You are totally right, these classics don’t get driven enough to make a meaningful impact on our world, and the history and culture they bring is well worth it. I am a fairly “green” kind of guy, but I am not yet sold on the whole EV concept. I personally tend to prefer the concept of hydrogen fuel cells, but here in the US they are not at all in demand.

    Well have a safe and fun winter season, and here’s to next spring.

    1. Sad to hear about the Op Tim, I hope you are on the mend and I wish you well.
      AS for the Green movement, like you I try and do my bit, recycle walk to the shops instead of a 2 min drive etc. I agree with them in principle too. But, the hypocrites pick holes in stuff, but don’t practice what they preach. I would prefer an hydrogen engine instead of the EV. In the UK there is not enough infrastructure to support it. When everybody plugs their cars in the electric grid can’t cope.
      The incentive for green cars was no road tax. No the government has a drop in revenue from the fuel tax they are starting to tax the green cars. So what’s the point? there will be more stress on electricity which will have to output more to cope. What’s the solution – it’s not stopping old cars meeting up. I just hope there is a solution soon.

      1. Thanks for the kind thoughts, Mort (I hope I recalled your name correctly; you are “my British Mustang friend”).

        You know, the green movement has merit; our poor planet needs our help. But how? There is even less hydrogen infrastructure here. The EV power grid issue is definitely real, and could be a problem – a big problem. And how do we best dispose of all of those heavy metals? I find hope that regular folks like us can have productive chats and see pluses and minuses on both sides.

        I work at home, since 2005, so my vehicle carbon footprint isn’t too big, and we have changed almost all of our lights in the home to LED. If I lived closer to Salt Lake City proper, I might consider an EV for my daily driver, but our place is 35 miles (about 56K) from downtown, and we have 2-1/2 acres of horse property. So the American pickup is our vehicle of choice because it is a “do it all” machine. My Ram is a clean diesel, and it’s pretty fuel efficient, when not towing.

        The climate issue is real, and it’s tough. Glad I am investment advisor and not a politician. 😂

        But hey, like we said, our classic cars are no threat to our planet as long as we use them for our shows and the occasional fun cruises.

        Thanks again, and I hope you have a fun and productive winter season.

        1. I also work from home, all our lights are LED I turn them off when not in the room etc. Earth climate makes me sad we do need an answer and our governments are a little slow. Nuclear but dangerous, I just don’t have the answers. There is no hydrogen support here money needs to go that way. We wouldn’t need electric, it’s abundant and only produces water. Heavy metals ruin the earth. I’m sounding like an eco warrior myself. But again they are right. Fingers crossed for the answers soon. 👍

          1. As well here. Maybe the real key is people like us who try to do our part. I hope we can get solutions soon for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

  3. Fantastic display of auto craftsmanship, class and power — when cars were real cars and not today’s emasculated fakes.

    1. Total agree Mich. The cars were designed then to look good and be a desirable looking car. Not designed by a eurobox in a wind tunnel where they all look the same. These cars no matter who makes them are from a golden era of travel with such beautiful cars. The Americans knew how to build a classy car.

      1. Amen to that, my friend. I’ve owned some terrific American cars, including a ‘53 Ford, a ‘68 black-over-yellow caddy — that was a beaut — as strong as a tank, and a late-model Dodge Charger — beautiful car. An aside: Years ago I interviewed Mustang inventor Lee Iacocca — a great man.

          1. Yeah, I was a reporter at the Detroit Free Press at the time. I went to his house, a big beautiful house in a ritzy suburb, and I guess I expected a maid or someone to come to the door, but Iacocca answered the door himself and said Come right in. He was a terrific guy. I was very sorry to hear of his death (July 2019) but he lived to the good old age of 94.

  4. Is it realistic to imagine that the Green lobby will be successful in bringing all this to an end? The evidence that mankind has an influence on the climate is incontravertible, but the mitigation of this influence has, in my view, been hijacked by a group-think, politically expedient hysteria – something common to our times. Some reasoned push-back from the adults in the room would be welcome.

    1. I absolutely agree with you Nigel. Let the rant begin ‘This all needs to be in context. The green lobby can do one about our classic cars! Do the green lobby go on holidays on planes? Do they drive to marches in their cars? The government fly to COP 26 in private jets, and go on holidays all round the world. Our cars tend to come out on high days only. so who burns more footprint, not us. Electric cars need to be charged, where does that electricity come from and powered by what? Cobalt mining destroys the earth looking for the battery materials in such small quantities. My other daily cars are super efficient so it offsets the 50 miles or so i do going to a car show and back a few times a year. I haven’t been on a holiday for 5 years now so it’s not me burning the fuel and polluting the atmosphere’. Rant over. This does not apply to everybody and would be stupid to say so. But, it needs to be viewed in context like you say. Perhaps everybody in a horse and carts may please these extreme people?

  5. For you, it was the Torino. For me, growing up, it was the 1963 Galaxie that did it. Although I believe your picture is a ’64 — that I’d gladly settle for. The taxi is alluring, I agree.

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