Helmingham Hall (part 2)

As I mentioned yesterday, the club stand and VIP area of the show was covered and now it was time to move to the privateer field which was crammed full with some amazing cars. there was a a couple of commercial stands there with the likes of John Grose (Ford) and another second-hand car sales. There was a brass band and long queues for every ice cream van and cold drinks stall you could see. This is just the bottom few rows of cars. It was busy and getting hotter by the minute.

We started at the top of the field and zig-zagged our way through the lines to the bottom.

I put the Mustangs together from this field, including one that has a similar colour to mine that has lots more chrome under the hood.

Perhaps my favourite car from the show is this Aston Martin Vantage, just stunning.

The oddity of the show was this amphibious vehicle and mini boat!

There were some Super cars there I have batched together;

After a long time walking around, hot and hungry we made our way back to the stand for some refreshments.

We left at around three in the afternoon an hour or so before the show closes and we could miss the traffic. There was number of other people thinkin’ as we did and we still had a few minutes queue to get out. Craig was taking videos at various points and I compiled a them together to a single video. Turn up the volume and enjoy!

Thanks to the SXOC for letting us park on their stand and to Craig for the company, amusing comments (one of which was in the video), this video footage and pics! Another great car show with no rain.

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Helmingham Hall (part 1)

One of my favourite car shows of the year is this one, Helmingham Hall which is located in middle of Suffolk. Almost a local show to me and perhaps the best in the area. This show also clashed with another show on the same day which is the Festival of Wheels in Ipswich, again in Suffolk. The difference and which one to choose was a no brainer for a few reasons;

1) Helmingham has such a wide variety of cars, Ipswich tends to have the ‘Chav’ type cars that are about ten years old an look like they have purchased every bolt on and clip accessory from the like of Halfords in the UK, or AutoZone on the other side of the pond.

2) Helmingham is aimed squarely at the petrol head, Ipswich has a a more family orientated feel, with a rides and displays.

3) Helmingham has a long driveway where the cars are allowed to run up and down to showcase the cars, Ipswich has a centre ring where one of the highlights is to see who has the loudest exhaust! Get the idea? Anyway I have gone to and will go to Ipswich again if there is nothing else on for the day, it’s just not a first priority that’s all.

4) Helmingham provides afternoon tea, Ipswich has Slushy’ type cold drinks!

So, the week before the show I hear people are getting their tickets for the day to get in. I hadn’t had mine so I emailed the event with my details. They apologised and said they would send out again first class post. I waited for a few days – nothing. This event just won’t let you in without a pass, so there’s no point trying to blag your way in. I had accepted the fact I wasn’t going to this one. The night before the my mate Craig asked if I was going and told him the story. As luck would have it he had a stand pass for the SXOC (Nissan SX owner Club) where I was last year. Car show was back on.

Craig arrived early and we loaded the car and set of for the venue, sunglasses and sun cream all ready to go. We arrived and there was many different cars there, Ford, Porsche and of course the Nissans.

Cars on the SXOC stand and the temporary home that was a real God send to keep in the shade.

I parked up and set about removing the road dust from the journey, applied the sun cream and set off for what was going to be a very busy show.

Due to sheer number of photo’s I took the show will be split over a couple of posts; todays which will focus on the club stands and the VIP near the main house, and tomorrow the other field with the private entries. Craig and I set of in a clockwise direction as that seemed the logical thing to do.

Simply Mustangs UK had a good turn out.

Up at the main house was this selection;

Thanks to Craig who took the better quality pictures, which are fairly self evident rather than my phone camera.

Tomorrow’s post will have a video that Craig took of us leaving the show and drive home, with some nice sound too.

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