Helmingham Hall (part 2)

As I mentioned yesterday, the club stand and VIP area of the show was covered and now it was time to move to the privateer field which was crammed full with some amazing cars. there was a a couple of commercial stands there with the likes of John Grose (Ford) and another second-hand car sales. There was a brass band and long queues for every ice cream van and cold drinks stall you could see. This is just the bottom few rows of cars. It was busy and getting hotter by the minute.

We started at the top of the field and zig-zagged our way through the lines to the bottom.

I put the Mustangs together from this field, including one that has a similar colour to mine that has lots more chrome under the hood.

Perhaps my favourite car from the show is this Aston Martin Vantage, just stunning.

The oddity of the show was this amphibious vehicle and mini boat!

There were some Super cars there I have batched together;

After a long time walking around, hot and hungry we made our way back to the stand for some refreshments.

We left at around three in the afternoon an hour or so before the show closes and we could miss the traffic. There was number of other people thinkin’ as we did and we still had a few minutes queue to get out. Craig was taking videos at various points and I compiled a them together to a single video. Turn up the volume and enjoy!

Thanks to the SXOC for letting us park on their stand and to Craig for the company, amusing comments (one of which was in the video), this video footage and pics! Another great car show with no rain.

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Helmingham Hall 2021 (part 1)

On the first of August this year I had one of my favourite shows and never disappoints is the Helmingham Hall car show. Always fully booked, and awesome settings. Thisyear as there have been quite a few car shows I am seeing the regulars on the scene. So I’m aiming to get different cars to show.

This show I managed to take over three hundred photos. As an extra I had my good friend Craig come with me. He arrived at my house nice and early as I was packing my stuff ready for the day. We loaded up the car and set off for the thirty minute drive to the show. Craig is a member of the SXOC so he managed to us a club stand pass. The club has diversified quite a lot from the initial Nissan SX Owners Club. There are now, Porsche, Jaguar, Mustang, BMW all were welcome etc. The club stand side is always the nicer side of the park. Private entrants on the right hand side of the field, clubs stands on the left.

Always a queue to get in. The best of it was that the side road we needed to emerge from was not getting much sympathy in letting us out. As a massive coincidence one of Craig’s friends in his Porsche flashed us out – what a result as the timing was just perfect. The prediction for the weather was for a nice day, the clouds were looking to say otherwise.

We found the stand half way up the slightly slopped field and parked up nicely.

Craig is avid amateur photographer and took lots of photos of the day too. I have been given permission to use some of his photo’s like this one below. A great moody shot, also the same featured picture at the top which I darkened right down, just because I liked the look of it.

There was a little reorganisation of the stand once everybody who was expected turned up. In the mean time we got out the cloths and gave the cars a quick wipe over. The reorganisation was for the cars to point into the corners of the allotted space and some in the middle to spread it out a bit, instead of a boring straight line.

After a energetic spurt of cleaning we got the chairs out and had a break for a few minutes. As the time got nearer ten o’clock for opening the general car parking fields started to get very busy.

We decided to have a walk round and look at the cars. We decided to look at the private cars first and on the way we passed a couple of club stands and we would do the rest later. Without any order of preference on with the pics;

Along the main entrance path either side were some super cars. Aston’s Ferraris, McLaren, BMW, Porsche, GTR’s etc.

On the private entries i think this was my favourite and amphibious car.

Back to walking around the lines we were back to more familiar vehicles.

After an hour or so we felt it, yep the first drops of rain! This wasn’t supposed to happen.

Due to sheer number of pictures that I took and some of Craig’s along with the loading times, I think this will be best split into three posts. A hundred or so photo’s in each.

Watch this space for parts 2 then part 3!

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